Ruckus Has No Impact on Persian Gulf Security
U.S. President Donald Trump is nowadays busy with his election campaign meetings and he sometimes has to tell some lies to protect his prestige against his rivals and one should not take his words seriously as on Thursday he told one of his lies that USS Boxer warship has shot down an Iranian drone over the Strait of Hormuz.
Tehran Refutes Trump’s Claim of Downing of Its Drone
TEHRAN - The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has rejected the "ridiculous" claim that the USS Boxer has shot down an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz, saying the force will soon release footage captured by the drone after the claimed time of the shooting.
Has Japan Sold Its Independence?
One of the most important questions which was raised about the failure of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to Tehran cannot be analyzed as Japan’s unawareness about the probable stand of Iran’s Supreme Leader but it seems the reason behind the failure of Abe’s visit to Tehran can be analyzed in form of two […]
Trump Allows Rand Paul to Become Iran Liaison
US President Donald Trump signed off this weekend on a proposal from Sen. Rand Paul for him to serve as a liaison to Iran to try to reduce tensions between Washington and Tehran.
Europe Buying Time to Gain Chance
While Iran is criticizing European governments for having no practical plan for making it take advantage of profits of its nuclear deal, the JCPOA, one European diplomat has said that it is necessary Iran to be convinced to return to the JCPOA commitments in exchange for U.S. symbolic gestures.
Enemies Dare Not Fire A Single Bullet at Iran
The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) deputy commander for coordination highlighted Iran’s deterrent power in the face of foreign threats and said the enemies dare not fire even a single bullet at the country.
US Isolated after JCPOA Withdrawal
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the US failure to gain support for its allegations against Iran at a Wednesday meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) showed Washington’s isolation in the world following its move to scrap the 2015 nuclear deal.
The French Believe Trump Is an Idiot
L'Obs, previously known as Le Nouvel Observateur, is one of France’s news publications which is published as weekly bases.
Deterrence Power Even Without Having Nukes
Shooting down of the most sophisticated U.S. drone over the waters of Iran led to revelation of truths among the remarks of analysts of the international political developments, and the most important part of those analyses is and will be about Iran’s growing deterrence power even without having weapons of mass destruction like the nukes.
Iran Oil Minister Says OPEC Is On Verge of Collapse
TEHRAN - Iran's oil minister some members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) risk destroying the energy group, in an apparent dig at Saudi Arabia.