Monday, 22 July , 2024
  • Iran’s Non-Oil Exports to Iraq Up 27% in Three Months 09 Jul 2024

    Iran’s Non-Oil Exports to Iraq Up 27% in Three Months

    Iran’s special trade envoy to Iraq said the export of non-oil goods to the neighboring country in the first three months of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 21, 2024) reached about $3 billion, showing a 27% hike compared to the same period last year.

Iran’s deft diplomacy in region paying dividends: National Interest 05 Sep 2017

Iran’s deft diplomacy in region paying dividends: National Interest

In an article on its website published on Sept. 4, the National Interest said it is Iran which is emerging the winner in the Saudi blockade of Qatar. The article, written by Mohammed Ayoob, said, “Tehran’s deft diplomacy and infinite patience have finally begun to pay dividends.” The article, titled “The Saudi-Qatar crisis amounts to […]

Shamkhani congratulates Syrian counterpart on Deir Ezzor victory 05 Sep 2017

Shamkhani congratulates Syrian counterpart on Deir Ezzor victory

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani told his Syrian counterpart that the ISIL is near its end. “The successive victories over Takfirist terrorists in Iraq and Syria along with liberation of important and strategic areas prove that there is remaining a short path to complete defeat of ISIL and its international […]

US hostility no longer works in swaying global opinions 05 Sep 2017

US hostility no longer works in swaying global opinions

Iran’s cabinet spokesperson Nobakht said some foreign banks are not cooperating with Iran due to US pressure, adding this hostile behavior no longer works in influencing global opinions. In a briefing session on Tuesday, Cabinet Spokesperson Mohammad Bagher Nobakht noted the reopening of Iranian bank accounts as one of the major economic outcomes of the […]

Budget deficit could delay Lake Urmia’s revival: environment chief 05 Sep 2017

Budget deficit could delay Lake Urmia’s revival: environment chief

TEHRAN — Lake Urmia is already saved from total dryness, however, budget deficit might postpone the lake’s full restoration, the chief of the Department of Environment said on Monday. “Currently full restoration of the lake depends on the budget the government allocates to the revival projects,” Isa Kalantari said during his first press conference after […]

Iraq victories have astonished all: Iran 05 Sep 2017

Iraq victories have astonished all: Iran

TEHRAN – Chairman of Iran’s Expediency Council Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi said on Sunday that Iraq’s successive victories against terrorists have astonished the world. “Iraqi successive victories surprised the world and robbed the opportunity from the enemies of Iraq and its people,” Hashemi Shahroudi said in a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi in […]

BRICS leaders support JCPOA 05 Sep 2017

BRICS leaders support JCPOA

 Issuing declaration, BRICS leaders supported world powers’ nuclear deal with Iran. While the US administration is looking for an excuse to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), BRICS leaders unveiled the Xiamen Declaration on Monday and supported the nuclear deal (JCPOA). According to Financial Express, the Xiamen Declaration of BRICS stated, “we […]

AEOI to Begin Reconstruction of Arak Reactor in 2019 05 Sep 2017

AEOI to Begin Reconstruction of Arak Reactor in 2019

The construction of the redesigned Arak heavy water reactor will commence in early 2019, announced a member of an expert team working on the project. Under a deal with major powers in 2015, Iran agreed to subject its nuclear program to temporary curbs in return for relief from international sanctions. The deal committed Iran, among […]

Iran Never to Allow Foreigners to Inspect Its Military Sites 04 Sep 2017

Iran Never to Allow Foreigners to Inspect Its Military Sites

TEHRAN  – A senior Iranian lawmaker denounced the US call for inspection of Iran’s military sites, stressing that the Islamic Republic will never allow foreign sides to inspect its military centers. There is no connection between the country’s military centers and its nuclear activities, Spokesperson for the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission […]

Iran, S. Africa Keen for Closer Banking Ties 04 Sep 2017

Iran, S. Africa Keen for Closer Banking Ties

TEHRAN  – Top officials from Iran and South Africa called for plans to facilitate banking interaction between the two countries. In a meeting in Tehran on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and South Africa’s Parliament Speaker Baleka Mbete discussed ways to enhance the relations between the two countries. Describing South Africa as a […]

Iran Decries US Siege on Civilians in Syria 04 Sep 2017

Iran Decries US Siege on Civilians in Syria

TEHRAN  – Iran’s Foreign Ministry denounced the US aerial siege on several buses carrying women and children in Syria, describing the move as part of attempts to undermine Lebanon’s victories against the Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri terrorist group. “The US siege on women and children is an illogical move given a history of cooperation between Washington […]