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Zionists Archives - Page 5 of 6 - Iran News Daily
Non-Stop Crimes against Muslims 14 Mar 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Non-Stop Crimes against Muslims

For years Zionist regime has been busy with committing crimes against Muslims, mainly Palestinians, and its crime has gone unnoticed by the international bodies and recently Saudi-led coalition has joined the Zionist wagon to commit crimes against Yemenis with no concern about getting due punishments from the international bodies or countries.

Zionists’ Crimes Go on Amid UN Silence 08 Mar 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Zionists’ Crimes Go on Amid UN Silence

  What a strange world we are living in where words are losing their real meanings and turn into a series of sounds coming out of the mouths. One of the words is human rights and the other one is peace that both are losing their genuine meanings especially in the international bodies like the United Nations.

Zionists, Symbol of Inhumanity 02 Feb 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Zionists, Symbol of Inhumanity

Since the emergence of the fake Zionist regime and the occupied land, so called Israel, this illegal regime has started any types of inhuman tools and ways for suppressing the Palestinians and people of neighboring countries like Lebanon and Syria and this savagery still continues with full support of the founders and mentors of Israel, and Palestinians are suffering amid indifference of the human rights organizations or supporters.

An Authorization to Kill 24 Jan 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

An Authorization to Kill

Four years the Zionist regime has been supported by the Western countries and its allies to continue its fake life and this illegal regime since its emergence has been living on sucking the blood of Palestinians and bloodshed and on Thursday this bloodsucking regime got license from the United Nations to continue its crimes.

Zionists’ Bitter Confession 12 Jan 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Zionists’ Bitter Confession

For years Zionist regime has been boasting that it will destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities to stop Tehran from continuing its peaceful nuclear programs while it itself has so many nuclear warheads and A-Bombs but every time it threatens Iran, it is forced to swallow its words because of Iran’s showing its offensive missile power and for this reason Zionist officials are forced to accept that they are unable to stop the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Zionists, Source of Tension and Insecurity in Region 15 Dec 2021
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Zionists, Source of Tension and Insecurity in Region

For year the Zionist regime and its forces has tried to paint an innocent picture of themselves in dealing with the Palestinians and Muslim countries especially in the Middle East and they have tried to interpret their crimes against the Palestinians as self-defense and recently they have tried to normalize their ties with the Muslim states and especially with the Persian Gulf states

Army chief says Zionist regime’s ‘empty threats’ against Iran are out of fear 14 Dec 2021

Army chief says Zionist regime’s ‘empty threats’ against Iran are out of fear

The Iranian Army chief said on Monday that Israel’s “empty threats” against Iran originate from its “fear”.

British, the Godfather of Zionists 22 Nov 2021
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

British, the Godfather of Zionists

As long as the West supports vehemently the Zionists, this illegal and usurping regime will continue its crimes regardless of any resolution adopted by the United Nations against it because they are well aware that the U.N.’s resolution against them should not be taken seriously because of being toothless.

Zionists Cannot Survive War With Iran 13 Nov 2021

Zionists Cannot Survive War With Iran

A senior Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) commander has played down the Israeli regime’s occasional threats of war with Iran, saying Tel Aviv is well aware that initiating a confrontation will only bring its annihilation forward.

Zionists Wary of Tehran-Riyadh Ties 27 Oct 2021

Zionists Wary of Tehran-Riyadh Ties

In recent days most of media outlets in their reports claim that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia are set to restore ties and this has turned to a nightmare for the Zionist regime and it is trying to some extent stop restoration of good ties between two important Muslim countries.