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UN Archives - Page 10 of 22 - Iran News Daily
UN to hold urgent debate on systemic racism in US 15 Jun 2020

UN to hold urgent debate on systemic racism in US

The UN human rights body will hold an urgent debate on allegations of “systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protests” in the United States on Wednesday.

Zarif rejects UN report on Aramco attacks 15 Jun 2020

Zarif rejects UN report on Aramco attacks

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Saturday rejected a UN report that said cruise missiles and drones used in attacks on Aramco oil facilities and an airport in Saudi Arabia last year were of “Iranian origin”.

Amir Abdollahian says UN Secretariat’s report ‘politicized’ 14 Jun 2020

Amir Abdollahian says UN Secretariat’s report ‘politicized’

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Iranian parliament speaker's special adviser on international affairs in his Twitter account reacted to a UN report which claims missiles that hit Armaco were of Iranian origin.

UN head shocked at mass graves discovered in Libya 14 Jun 2020

UN head shocked at mass graves discovered in Libya

The United Nations' Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep shock late Friday at the discovery of mass graves in Libya.

Lack of Funding Leads to Medical Aid Cut from UN 13 Jun 2020

Lack of Funding Leads to Medical Aid Cut from UN

The United Nations will be forced to suspend three-quarters of the medical aid programs it supports in war-torn Yemen unless emergency funding is secured soon.

US Has No Right to Abuse UN , IAEA to Vilify Iran 11 Jun 2020

US Has No Right to Abuse UN , IAEA to Vilify Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif highlighted the United States’ war crimes, violation of agreements and terrorist acts and said Washington has no right to vilify Iran by abusing the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

UN chief urges global fight against racism 11 Jun 2020

UN chief urges global fight against racism

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged a global fight against racism and discrimination following what he called the “murderous act of police brutality”.

UN Urges Immediate Action to Avoid `Global Food Emergency’ 10 Jun 2020

UN Urges Immediate Action to Avoid `Global Food Emergency’

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for immediate action Tuesday to avoid a “global food emergency.”

World Leaders Won’t Gather at UN for First Time in History 09 Jun 2020

World Leaders Won’t Gather at UN for First Time in History

The president of the UN General Assembly said Monday that world leaders will not visit New York for their annual gathering in late September for the first time in the 75-year history of the United Nations because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Envoy: No right for US to call for extension of Iran arms embargo 08 Jun 2020

Envoy: No right for US to call for extension of Iran arms embargo

Iran’s UN ambassador said the US calling for an extension of the UN Security Council’s arms embargo on Tehran lacks legal standing in international law.