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terrorists Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Iran News Daily
Terrorists Kill Two Border Guards in SE Iran 22 Feb 2020

Terrorists Kill Two Border Guards in SE Iran

Two Iranian border guards were martyred in a clash with members of a terrorist group in the country’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan, the police said on Saturday.

Pakistan Not Safe for Militants: Imran Khan 17 Feb 2020

Pakistan Not Safe for Militants: Imran Khan

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan insisted Monday that his country is no longer a safe haven for militants.

All White House Elements Should Be Recognized as Terrorists 14 Jan 2020

All White House Elements Should Be Recognized as Terrorists

Nowadays any news is explosive. American news TV Channel NBC revealed new details about how Martyr Lieutenant Qassem Soleimani and his comrades were assassinated during the terrorist operation of the U.S. forces in Iraq

Syrian army advance in Idlib 24 Dec 2019

Syrian army advance in Idlib

TEHRAN (Iran News) – The Syrian army forces have made fresh gains against foreign-backed terrorists in Idlib province, the last major stronghold of militants in Syria, as the army tightens the noose around the extremists operating in the region. The Syrian army forces advanced in Idlib and cleared two key towns after destroying the terrorists’ hideouts […]

Negotiation with Afghan groups in Iran 28 Nov 2019

Negotiation with Afghan groups in Iran

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday confirmed that he met a Taliban delegation in Tehran, saying that Iran is open to negotiation with Afghan groups to help secure peace and security in the neighboring country. He made the remarks after a cabinet meeting in the capital city on Wednesday […]

Terrorists Receive 100 Drones to Carry Out Chemical Attacks in Syria’s Idlib: Report 04 Dec 2018

Terrorists Receive 100 Drones to Carry Out Chemical Attacks in Syria’s Idlib: Report

Al-Nusra Front terrorists have reportedly gained access to 100 unmanned aerial vehicles through a Turkish merchant to use them in chemical attacks against Syrian government forces in the country’s northwestern province of Idlib. Local sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Arabic service of Russia’s Sputnik news agency that the drones have been transported […]

Iran’s Zarif Lambasts West’s Double Standard on Chemical Attacks 26 Nov 2018

Iran’s Zarif Lambasts West’s Double Standard on Chemical Attacks

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif decried Western governments’ selective approach to chemical attacks after their refusal to condemn a Sunday chemical attack launched by terrorists on civilians in the Syrian city of Aleppo. “Where is the West in condemning the chemical attack in Aleppo by terrorists? West’s pattern: chemical weapons only condemned if alleged […]

US-led coalition helicopters evacuate ISIL terrorists from Deir Ezzor 07 Oct 2018

US-led coalition helicopters evacuate ISIL terrorists from Deir Ezzor

 Helicopters of the US-led International coalition evacuated a number of of ISIL terrorists from the south-eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. Identical sources of media and information said Sunday  that Helicopters belonging to the US-led coalition, carried out an air landing  near al-Sha’feh town in the pocket where ISIL terrorists are positioned in the south-eastern countryside of […]

Missile strike on terrorists sends message to enemies 15 Sep 2018

Missile strike on terrorists sends message to enemies

The chief commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the recent retaliatory missile strike against the terrorists based in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region sends a “meaningful” message to the enemies, who imagine they can bully Iran. “IRGC’s recent revenge against the terrorists conveys a highly meaningful message to the enemies, particularly those superpowers […]

Attack on Hmeimim airbase in Lattakia thwarted 22 Jul 2018

Attack on Hmeimim airbase in Lattakia thwarted

The Russian Defense Ministry said that Russian air defenses destroyed on Friday night a drone that was sent from an area controlled by terrorists towards Hmeimim airbase in Lattakia. In a statement on Saturday, the Ministry said that monitoring systems in the airbase detected a drone heading towards the base after being launched from an […]