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President Donald Trump Archives - Page 10 of 24 - Iran News Daily
Deal of Century to Die Sooner Than Trump Himself 06 Feb 2020

Deal of Century to Die Sooner Than Trump Himself

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Donald Trump’s pro-occupation plan for ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will suffer demise even before the US president himself.

U.S. Federative System Is Cracking 03 Feb 2020

U.S. Federative System Is Cracking

The nation revealed its true nature with their massive presence, namely, its resistance against evils, and the only way for continuing this honorable path is to become stronger in any field

Pelosi Says Senators Who Voted against Trial Witnesses Part of A Cover-Up 01 Feb 2020

Pelosi Says Senators Who Voted against Trial Witnesses Part of A Cover-Up

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ripped senators who voted against approving further witness testimony in the Senate’s impeachment trial against President Trump, saying the lawmakers were part of a “cover-up.”

Don’t Take Deal of Century Seriously 01 Feb 2020

Don’t Take Deal of Century Seriously

A peace plan, alleged “The Middle East Peace”, has been sketched out up by Jared Kushner, senior advisor to his father-in-law

“Satanic” U.S. Peace Plan Will Never Bear Fruit 01 Feb 2020

“Satanic” U.S. Peace Plan Will Never Bear Fruit

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday denounced as “satanic” a U.S. plan for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and predicted that Muslim nations will undoubtedly prevent the proposal from being put into practice.

Turkey’s Erdogan Blasts Saudi Support for Trump’s Palestine Deal as ‘Treason’ 31 Jan 2020

Turkey’s Erdogan Blasts Saudi Support for Trump’s Palestine Deal as ‘Treason’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday blasted several Arab countries including Saudi Arabia for backing the US President Donal Trump’s so-called deal of century, condemning it as 'treason.'

Iran Parliament Speaker Urges Concerted Action against Trump’s Plan 29 Jan 2020

Iran Parliament Speaker Urges Concerted Action against Trump’s Plan

Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Ali Larijani called on the parliaments of Muslim countries to stand against the US-proposed “fake” deal of the century by endorsing a plan for a referendum on the issue of Palestine.

World reacts to Trump-proposed so-called ‘Deal of Century’ 29 Jan 2020

World reacts to Trump-proposed so-called ‘Deal of Century’

Standing beside Israeli regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump unveiled the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’.

US imposed ‘Vision for Peace’ a nightmare for region, world 29 Jan 2020

US imposed ‘Vision for Peace’ a nightmare for region, world

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the so-called US ‘Deal of the Century’ is a nightmare for the region and world.

Palestinians stage mass protests against US Deal of Century 28 Jan 2020

Palestinians stage mass protests against US Deal of Century

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip protested against the US' Deal of the Century which is due to be unveiled by Trump in few hours, at 17:00 GMT on Tuesday.