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Donald Trump Archives - Page 61 of 66 - Iran News Daily
Nuclear deal going ahead regardless of Trump’s move 15 Oct 2017

Nuclear deal going ahead regardless of Trump’s move

TEHRAN – In an interview with CBS News on Sat., Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif said all other signatories to the nuclear agreement are standing solidly with Iran against Trump’s anti-JCPOA position. In an interview with CBS News correspondent reporting from Tehran, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed that he was not disappointed by US President Trump’s announcement on […]

Hillary Clinton: Trump Will Provoke ‘Nuclear Arms Race’ over North Korea 15 Oct 2017

Hillary Clinton: Trump Will Provoke ‘Nuclear Arms Race’ over North Korea

TEHRAN – Hillary Clinton has denounced Donald Trump’s bellicose language toward North Korea, believing his verbal aggression has rattled American allies and will set off a nuclear arms race in the region. “We will now have an arms race – a nuclear arms race in East Asia,” Clinton said in an interview with CNN due […]

Trump’s remarks made him despised by all Iranians 15 Oct 2017

Trump’s remarks made him despised by all Iranians

TEHRAN – Iran’s Ambassador to London Hamid Baeidinejad said Iranians from all trends and tendencies now hate the US president following his recent controversial statements. As reported by IRIB, Baeidinejad issued a message on his Telegram channel where he wrote “Undoubtedly, Trump, by assigning terrorist title to the Iranian nation and using a fake name […]

‘Trump is a businessman not a politician’ 15 Oct 2017

‘Trump is a businessman not a politician’

TEHRAN– Leader’s Aide Ali Akbar Velayati said that the irrational behavior of US president, who apparently has not studied history, is nothing new. Leader’s Senior Adviser in International affairs Ali Akbar Velayati made the remarks in reaction to Trump, adding that the US president was a businessman, mainly occupied in business industry. He went on to […]

Trump’s ‘Aggressive’ Stance on Iran Ineffective 14 Oct 2017

Trump’s ‘Aggressive’ Stance on Iran Ineffective

TEHRAN – Russia’s foreign ministry condemned US President Donald Trump’s recent speech against Iran, saying there was no place in international diplomacy for “threatening” and “aggressive” rhetoric. “It is a hangover from the past, which does not correspond to modern norms of civilized dealings between countries,” Russian ministry said in a statement after Trump on […]

Republican Senator Blasts Donald Trump for ‘Castrating’ Rex Tillerson 14 Oct 2017

Republican Senator Blasts Donald Trump for ‘Castrating’ Rex Tillerson

TEHRAN – US Republican senator Bob Corker stepped up his public feud with Donald Trump on Friday, saying the president’s undermining of his secretary of state was like castrating him in public. Corker told the Washington Post in an interview that Trump had undercut Rex Tillerson’s efforts to enlist China in reining in North Korea’s […]

US president’s anti-Iran speech pile of delusional claims 14 Oct 2017

US president’s anti-Iran speech pile of delusional claims

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says US President Donald Trump’s speech against the Islamic Republic was nothing more than insults and delirious talk. “Mr. Trump’s remarks on Iran…contained nothing but expletives and a pile of delusional allegations against the Iranian nation,” Rouhani said in a televised speech on Friday moments after Trump delivered a speech outlining US strategy […]

US threats will not work against Iranians 14 Oct 2017

US threats will not work against Iranians

The Iranian foreign minister has condemned US President Donald Trump’s latest speech against Iran as “inane,” stressing that using threats against the Islamic Republic will prove to be ineffective. “Allegations, threats and profanity will never intimidate Iranians. Trump will eventually discover this; as every predecessor did,” Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted after Trump officially announced on Friday that […]

US president in no position to terminate Iran’s nuclear deal 14 Oct 2017

US president in no position to terminate Iran’s nuclear deal

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini says the US president is not in a position to terminate Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers. Shortly after US President Donald Trump officially announced on Friday that he would not certify the nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Mogherini stressed that the […]

Trump refuses to certify Iran nuclear deal 14 Oct 2017

Trump refuses to certify Iran nuclear deal

US President Donald Trump has refused to certify the international nuclear agreement with Iran and warned he might ultimately terminate it, in defiance of other world powers and undermining a landmark victory of multilateral diplomacy. Speaking from the White House on Friday, Trump said he will choose not to certify that Tehran is complying with […]