Monday, 22 July , 2024
Cyberattack against e-government failed 11 Dec 2019

Cyberattack against e-government failed

TEHRAN (Iran News) – ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said Wed. that a major cyberattack against the infrastructures of Iran’s e-government has been successfully countered and foiled. He broke the news while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday. “Recently, a highly organized and state-sponsored cyberattack was carried out […]

New Farming Systems in Sistan to Be Developed 09 Dec 2019

New Farming Systems in Sistan to Be Developed

TEHRAN (Iran News) – The Iranian Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives (CORC) plans to adopt new measures of farming systems to optimize the use of natural resources in the drought-hit province of Sistan and Balouchestan in southeastern Iran, Deputy Minister of Agricultural Jihad Hossein Shirzad said. Shirzad, who is also the chief executive officer of […]

New generations of centrifuges to unveil 08 Dec 2019

New generations of centrifuges to unveil

TEHRAN (Iran News) – The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) plans to unveil 50 new technological achievements in building new generations of centrifuges and producing heavy water in the early days of the next Iranian year, which starts on March 20, 2020. The announcement was made by Ali Asqar Zare’an, the assistant head of […]

Nuclear Cooperation Between Iran, Russia 07 Dec 2019

Nuclear Cooperation Between Iran, Russia

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanayee and Deputy Head of Russia’s Rosatom Company Nikolai Spassky in a meeting in Vienna reviewed the latest condition of nuclear cooperation in the field of peaceful activities. During the meeting in the Austrian capital on Friday, Spassky stressed Russia’s all-out support for cooperation with Iran […]

Gas power plants technology at Iran’s hand 04 Dec 2019

Gas power plants technology at Iran’s hand

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Managing Director of Iranian Electrical Power Equipment Manufacturing and Provision Company says the country is fully able to produce and export all equipment and services needed for the construction of gas power plants. “Our ability for manufacturing and supplying water and electricity equipment has reached a point where we are not […]

Android Phones Bug Targeting Bank Accounts 03 Dec 2019

Android Phones Bug Targeting Bank Accounts

TEHRAN (Iran News) – A vulnerability in millions of fully patched Android phones is the bug being actively exploited by malware that’s designed to drain the bank accounts of infected users, researchers said on Monday. The vulnerability allows malicious apps to masquerade as legitimate apps that targets have already installed and come to trust, researchers […]

Huawei 5G Phones to Build with No US Parts 02 Dec 2019

Huawei 5G Phones to Build with No US Parts

TEHRAN (Iran News) – China’s Huawei managed to start making 5G phones without American parts, as it has been blacklisted by the US, and replacing them with components sourced elsewhere. According to an analysis by UBS and Japanese technology firm Fomalhaut Techno Solutions, seen by the Wall Street Journal, Huawei 5G phones had no US […]

Iran ICT minister: US used to sanctioning nations 26 Nov 2019

Iran ICT minister: US used to sanctioning nations

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iran ICT minister, Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi on Monday decried the United States’ sanctioning of nations as its “addiction” to embargoes. Azari-Jahromi made the remark after the US administration imposed sanctions on him on Friday under the pretext of the minister’s role in Internet shutdown in the country following days of protests […]

Japanese management models be used in medical services 25 Nov 2019

Japanese management models be used in medical services

TEHRAN (Iran News) – According to an MOU signed between the Iranian health ministry and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Iran will take advantage of Japanese management models to improve its medical services. The MOU was signed by a senior official from the international department of the Iranian health ministry Mohsen Asadi Lari and JICA Iran Office Chief Representative Yukiharu […]

Iran Makes Anti-Moss Nano-Coating for Watercraft 23 Nov 2019

Iran Makes Anti-Moss Nano-Coating for Watercraft

An Iranian knowledge-based company has used nanotechnology to develop a special coating that prevents the growth of marine organisms, such as moss, on the outer layer of the hull of ships.