Monday, 22 July , 2024
  • Iran’s Non-Oil Exports to Iraq Up 27% in Three Months 09 Jul 2024

    Iran’s Non-Oil Exports to Iraq Up 27% in Three Months

    Iran’s special trade envoy to Iraq said the export of non-oil goods to the neighboring country in the first three months of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 21, 2024) reached about $3 billion, showing a 27% hike compared to the same period last year.

Iran, Pakistan Two Major Regional Players 12 Sep 2017

Iran, Pakistan Two Major Regional Players

TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani stressed the need for efforts to promote bilateral relations between Tehran and Islamabad in all areas in line with the interests of the two neighbors. Speaking at a meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif in Tehran yesterday, President Rouhani hailed the growing collaborations between Iran and Pakistan and […]

Iran Ready for Free Trade with Regional Countries 11 Sep 2017

Iran Ready for Free Trade with Regional Countries

TEHRAN – Head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) Mojtaba Khosrotaj said the Islamic Republic is prepared to establish preferential tariffs and free trade with some regional countries, particularly Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Oman. Speaking at a meeting of a working group on the development of non-oil exports of the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan, […]

Chamran voices regret over rejecting vice presidency 11 Sep 2017

Chamran voices regret over rejecting vice presidency

TEHRAN – Mehdi Chamran, the former chairman of Tehran City Council, has voiced regret over turning down an offer to serve as the country’s vice president during Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s tenure. In an interview with Etemad newspaper published on Sunday, Chamran said Ahmadinejad had offered him to serve as vice president but he declined. He also […]

Iranian Commander Hails ‘Remarkable’ Capabilities of Armed Forces in Cyberspace 11 Sep 2017

Iranian Commander Hails ‘Remarkable’ Capabilities of Armed Forces in Cyberspace

TEHRAN – Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan praised the country’s progress in various areas of teh defense industry and said the Armed Forces have “remarkable” capabilities to perform cyber offense and defense. “With the help of the country’s young scientists and knowledge-based companies, we have great capabilities in the […]

Iran received two snap nuclear inspections a month 11 Sep 2017

Iran received two snap nuclear inspections a month

TEHRAN – Iran has received nearly two snap nuclear inspections a month and almost double the overall number of visits it had just five years ago. International Atomic Energy Agency monitors conducted 402 site visits and 25 snap inspections in the first 12 months since the deal was enacted in early 2016, according to data […]

Zarif confers with Pakistani FM on region 11 Sep 2017

Zarif confers with Pakistani FM on region

TEHRAN – Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif as head of a high-ranking delegation has held talks Monday on bilateral and regional issues with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif. Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif arrived in Tehran Monday morning for a one-day visit to confer with his counterpart Zarif, President Hassan Rouhani and VP for […]

Tehran seeks to expand agribusiness with Brasilia 11 Sep 2017

Tehran seeks to expand agribusiness with Brasilia

TEHRAN – Deputy Iranian agriculture minister, at a meeting with his Brazilian counterpart, underlined the need to resolve banking issues, expand bilateral trade and boost investment in agriculture sector. Deputy Minister of Agricultural for Commercial and Agricultural Industries Ali Akbar Mehrfard made the remarks at a meeting with a visiting Brazilian delegation headed by, Eumar […]

Iranian MP Calls on Muslim States to Boycott Myanmar Gov’t 11 Sep 2017

Iranian MP Calls on Muslim States to Boycott Myanmar Gov’t

TEHRAN – An Iranian lawmaker stressed the need for practical ways to force the government of Myanmar to stop oppressing the Muslim minorities, proposing that the Middle East nations should halt exporting energy to Myanmar as a punishment. In an interview with Tasnim on Monday, member of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, […]

Hezbollah’s Top Figure Lauds Syria’s Advances against Daesh in Deir Ez-Zor 11 Sep 2017

Hezbollah’s Top Figure Lauds Syria’s Advances against Daesh in Deir Ez-Zor

TEHRAN  – Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement’s second-in-command, Sheikh Naim Qassem, praised recent advances achieved by the Syrian army and resistance forces against Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorists in Deir ez-Zor and said the liberation of the city amounts to the collapse of Daesh. “The preparations for the political settlement of the Syrian crisis have begun […]

Muslims Unity Key to Permanent Global Peace 11 Sep 2017

Muslims Unity Key to Permanent Global Peace

TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani underlined the need for unity and cooperation among Muslim countries as the key to rid the world of violence and reach permanent peace. Rouhani made the remarks in an address to the first Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit on science and technology in the Kazakh capital, Astana, on Sunday. […]