The Iron Dome Was Nothing More Than a Strainer
The Iron Dome Was Nothing More Than a Strainer
The Zionists' festive night turned into mourning with over 180 missiles from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) at 8 p.m. on the 10th of Mehr 1403 (October 1, 2024), just five days before the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Storm. The revenge for the bloodshed from assassinations, child killings in Gaza, and the bombardment of Lebanon over the past year had accumulated, leading the Islamic Republic of Iran to make a decision that finally came after months of anticipation.

The Iron Dome Was Nothing More Than a Strainer

TEHRAN (Iran News) The reaction of the Muslim people was perhaps even more compelling than the missile retaliation by the IRGC. Just moments after the missile attack was announced, people joyfully poured into the streets, expressing their satisfaction.

The innovation of Operation “True Promise 2,” which avoided the use of drones that would have taken a longer time to reach their destination and kept the enemy’s missile defense systems on alert, was both unique and unprecedented.

In the early hours, when reports of the missiles hitting their targets surfaced — though heavily censored by the Zionist regime — it became clear that the intelligence gathered by the Quds Force and the precision of the operational strategy were highly effective, leaving the enemy in shock and psychological paralysis.

Despite television hosts in Tel Aviv claiming that nothing had happened and urging people in the occupied territories to remain calm, the remarkable impact of Operation “True Promise 2” was reflected in global media, proving to be a blow to the cruel regime and a benefit to the Resistance Front. People took to the streets, dancing and celebrating. After a year of tears and sorrow, Gaza saw smiles once again.

Handwrittens and signs addressed to martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, “We wish you were here to witness the celebration of the Resistance Front.” It truly was an incredible night — the world witnessed joy. But, unfortunately, I must admit that sometimes even cannons, mortars, and missiles have their own sweet melody, especially when they are in response to 75 years of oppression.

How sad it is that the world’s educated people — doctors, engineers, architects, and chemists — are dedicating themselves to creating tools that spread bloodshed, destruction, and killing. If only there were no hostility in the world, so there would be no need for tools of hostility. May God curse Satan, who brought about oppression.

The statement that “the Zionist regime is a cancer, whose initial seed was sown by Britain and later formally handed over to its great Satan” is completely accurate. If this regime is not restrained, it will overrun the entire region. Treating cancer requires surgery with a knife.


How many innocent people have been killed in these military confrontations? How much of their unjustly shed blood has soaked the ground? Does this blood not remind us of the blood that America spilled in Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Vietnam, Iraq, Yemen, and beyond?

Today, the U.S. hides behind its internal elections, while its bloodthirsty dog Netanyahu continues the same policies that America itself once enacted in various parts of the world. It is misleading to think that Netanyahu is not executing America’s bloodthirsty policies.

The bloodthirsty hand of the U.S. can be seen in all the violent events in West Asia and the rest of the world, like in Ukraine. Zionist Arabs, Zionist Iranians, along with Europe and America, are not innocent in these scenes. Operation “True Promise 2” blossomed in anticipation of revenge from the Muslims of the world, and it may lead to more “True Promises” in the ongoing suppression of Zionism in the region.

The bloodthirsty Zionist regime has built a land for itself with guns, bullets, and the expulsion of Palestinians, where every inch smells of Palestinian blood. The expectation that they can remain there in peace is baseless, and there is no doubt in God’s promise that it will soon be obliterated.

The Al-Aqsa Storm was a good start for this obliteration.

The yearlong path of resistance by the people of Gaza has revealed to the world the true nature of this global wolf-like regime. Today, the distinction between Zionists controlling the destinies of people in all countries is clear and visible.

Gaza was the test to separate the wheat from the chaff, and this distinction has now become evident.

As the political editor of Iran News and Sobh Eqtesad, I proudly congratulate the heroic actions of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the leadership of the Quds Force of the IRGC in gathering the necessary operational intelligence and executing the daring missile operation of the IRGC Aerospace Force. I salute each member of this force, the brave children of the Iranian nation, and I confess that Iran has not witnessed such courageous pride in many ages. Thus, I can confidently say that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the most rational, intelligent, and courageous government in Iran in the past 500 years. If not for traitors and infiltrators, Iran would have also become a leader in culture and economy in the region.