Leader Says State of the World Order Is Changing
Leader Says State of the World Order Is Changing
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei pointed to the internal crises in the occupying Israeli regime, saying that Zionists are leaving Palestine before 25-year deadline he had predicted.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei pointed to the internal crises in the occupying Israeli regime, saying that Zionists are leaving Palestine before 25-year deadline he had predicted.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting on Tuesday with the heads of Iran’s three branches of government, a number of parliament members, current and former authorities, and senior managers of various organizations.

The meeting was held on the 13th day of the holy month of Ramadan at Imam Khomeini Hossainieh in Tehran.

Senior Iranian officials, parliament members, and cultural activists were among the participants in the meeting with the Leader.

At the start of his address to the meeting, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed out that different sectors of society affect one another, adding that the economic problems that people in a society face come with a negative impact on the cultural field of that society.

Ayatollah Khamenei recalled the naming of the new Iranian year of 1402 (which began on March 21, 2023) as the “Inflation Control and Growth in Production” and urged the government official to seriously pursue tackling the economic problems.

The Leader stressed that all the government apparatuses need to intensify their efforts to materialize the slogan of the new year.

Meanwhile, he stressed that focusing on the economic field should not come at the expense of forgetting about the cultural field.

He further stressed that all the country’s vast resources and potential have to be employed in line with materializing the goals of curbing inflation and an increase in domestic production.

Elsewhere, he stressed the importance of expanding foreign relations, noting that the world does not only consist of the US and Europe as there are some 200 other countries.

Ayatollah Khamenei went on to point to the crises in the Israeli regime, saying that the different crises that the regime grapples with has accelerated the destruction of the regime before the 25 years deadline that he had previously predicted.

“We said that the Zionist regime would not see the next 25 years. But they (Zionists) were in a hurry and want to leave sooner.”

The Leader continued to stress the necessity of transparent and stable economic and financial policies by the government officials as the solution to secure the confidence of the investors.


As regards the cultural field, the Leader stressed the need to observe the Islamic Hijab in accordance with the religious and constitutional rules.

He further said that political divisions and polarization have put the United States on a downward spiral with every new president leaving a weaker nation behind than the preceding one.

“The U.S. under [Barack] Obama was weaker than the one under [George W.] Bush; the US under [Donald] Trump was weaker than the one under Obama, and the U.S. under this incumbent [president] is weaker than the one under Trump,” the Leader said.

“Why is it that we say it is weak?” he added. “First of all, bipolarity emerged in the United States over the elections two or three years ago. This polarization still remains strong; this is a weakness and of paramount significance.”

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the recent congressional vote proved that bipolarity is still strong in the U.S.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader stressed that the world is facing an important political change, which means the state of the world order is changing.

“Today, I would like to say that this global development is fortunately aimed at weakening the front of the Islamic Republic’s enemies; this is an important thing,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Underlining that the changes are happening very fast, the Leader said, “In the issue of [the country’s] foreign policy, we should increase the pace of our initiatives … We must increase initiatives, agility, and activity, and take advantage of this opportunity.”

Meanwhile he said that removing the hijab in society in front of unrelated men is religiously and politically banned.

He added that if those who remove their headscarves in public knew who is behind this whole scenario, they would not do it.

Ayatollah Khamenei was referring to the removal of hijab by some girls and women in violation of the dress code of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Elsewhere, in his remarks, the leader turned to the issue of corruption in Iran. He said fighting corruption is a must for all.

He underlined that corruption makes people disappointed and must be tackled.

He then referred to inflation, saying a minority benefits from soaring prices and fill their pockets at the expense of others. This, Ayatollah Khamenei noted, breeds corruption.