World Has Not Ever Seen Iran as an Invader
World Has Not Ever Seen Iran as an Invader
Following the U.S retreat from its bellicose stance, which was evident from the beginning to all Iranians that it was just a psychological war to frighten Iran, a dispute has surfaced in the media between U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton over who has disclosed this psycho war, and the dispute may lead to elimination of one of them.

That American leaders in comparison to their European counterparts are less complicated and Americans consider themselves as cowboys shows that this confession in their remarks and culture has been institutionalized and shaped  as one of their traits.


This kind of creating furor during the smear campaign in the media has started since some oil tankers were attacked by Yemeni drones. The successful attacks of Yemeni drones at Saudis’ oil installations in western region of the country and explosion of five crude oil tankers in Fujairah Port and above all drones’ attack at Dubai Airport whose video clips went viral despite Dubai government’s efforts to hide it, all of them paved the way for this fortifying this belief that psycho war is going out of control and it is spreading war climate over the Persian Gulf. This is that issue, say, which has caused rift among Trump’s camp. It also has made U.S. Special Representative to Iran Brian Hook say in an interview with Sky News that the U.S. does not intend to attack Iran and if Iran attacks first, then the U.S. would defend itself and the country is getting ready for confronting any threat.

Hook repeats other U.S. officials claims, saying, “Our intelligence reports show that Iran was planning attacks against American interest. So we very quickly repositioned military assets to defend ourselves.”

This means “We are scared.” Now with this kind of rhetoric and remark, it becomes crystal clear who fears whom. That a Yemeni drone can target oil exports installations in west of Saudi Arabia or that a drone can hold firing festivities in the mouth of Strait of Hormuz indicates that Yemenis are well aware how they can show the U.S. and its wicked allies which part of them is in hands of brave Yemeni fighters, and consequently, Americans started the current smear campaign and retreated from what had said before, and it carries a political meaning. Today the world has found out that the U.S. is a paper tiger and to prove the claim it just enough to mention that during Donald Trump’s animosity some truths have been revealed which had been shown with velvet hands of his predecessor Barack Obama.

After 40 years of different playing political, economic, cultural and military chess with Iran, the U.S. has not ever experienced even a single success against Iran. Does not this show that Iran with relying on Almighty is smarter and more capable than them in most fields?

Now let’s few cultural sold out people, who have sold their media for getting a fist of dollars more from the westerns, do their best to demonize Quranic culture, revolutionary youths and defenders of haram.

Don’t even imagine that they can have a bit of impact on the grandeur system and this sacred revolution with its wise leadership.

Islamic Revolution with its speed of light is penetrating into the souls and hearts of the oppressed people in the world and everyday signs of this penetration glimmer and it makes the enemy angrier and this anger makes Trumps and the likes to relieve their wrath by insulting Iranian nation by calling them “terrorists”.

May God bless the martyr Dr. Beheshti who told the U.S. “Do die of your Anger.”

By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

  • source : IRAN NEWS