ESCO in Touch With 15,000 Suppliers of Parts and Raw Material
ESCO in Touch With 15,000 Suppliers of Parts and Raw Material
TEHRAN – The CEO of Esfahan Steel Company (ESCO) Eng. Mansur Yazdizadeh says the company is to boost its current amount of its cast iron production from 3m to 4m tons in 2020.

Yazdizadeh said that the current amount of production is 3m tons and the amount will increase by 3.6m tons next year and it will reach 4m tons of cast iron in 2020.


He further said that by reforming LF (ladle furnace) and convertors, steel production of the company will reach 3.6m.

He noted that merge of sale and purchase departments and launching commercial department for easing relation with providers and other the process had good results.

Yazdizadeh added that ESCO, once played key role in exploration and launching mines, has problem in providing its iron ore.

He added that good interactions with the psuppliers have eased concerns for fixing the price of coal.

Meanwhile head of commercial department of the company Dr. Nematollah Mohseni hailed the trade partners of the company who were present in the meeting and expressed hope results of such meetings would reveal soon.

He added that ESCO is now in touch with more than 15000suppliers of raw materials, spare part and equipment.

He added that suppliers have had good cooperation with the company despite cruel sanctions and its result was good records which were set by the company. He added that one of its result was production of 244,000 tons of cast iron last month.

He then pointed to the achievements of the company last year like winning the exemplary exporter of the year award, exporting more than 50 percent of its products to more than 20 countries as well as implementing project for cutting water consumption and pollution.

Mohseni reiterated that trade partners of the company play key role in the achievements of the organization and called them as arms of the company.

  • source : IRAN NEWS