Bolton, Mideast officials trying to drag US into conflict with Iran
Bolton, Mideast officials trying to drag US into conflict with Iran
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told Fox News that it is US National Security Advisor Bolton, Netanyahu and Bin Salman, who are trying to drag the US into conflict with Iran, adding this is not what Trump wants.

The official website of American TV channel Fox News posted a short video clip of its anchor Chris Wallace’s interview with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Friday, adding that the full interview would air on Sunday, April 28 on ‘Fox News Sunday.’

In the video clip, Zarif was heard saying that the ones behind efforts to change the establishment in Iran are Israeli PM Netanyahu, US National Security Advisor John Bolton, Saudi crown prince Bin Salman, and officials of the United Arab Emirates.

“They have all shown an interest in dragging the US into a conflict [with Iran],” Zarif said. “I do not believe President Trump wants to do that. I believe President Trump ran on a campaign promise of not bringing the US into another war.”

Zarif went on to add, however, that Trump’s policy of maximum pressure to bring Iran to its knees is “doomed to failure.”

  • source : Mehrnews