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Zionists Archives - Page 3 of 6 - Iran News Daily
How Far Will Zionists’ Crimes Continue? 26 Dec 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

How Far Will Zionists’ Crimes Continue?

For decades most freedom-loving people and nations, above them the Islamic Republic of Iran, have echoed the brutality and crimes of the Zionist regime but the world and mostly developed one has remained silent and passive to take any action against this regime and it has emboldened the Zionists and the question is how far this fake regime will continue its atrocities without getting any due punishment and response.

Zionists Warned That Era of Hit-and-Run Has Ended 22 Dec 2022

Zionists Warned That Era of Hit-and-Run Has Ended

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)'s Quds Force says the Palestinian people will eventually rid their land from Israelis, warning the regime that the era of hit-and-run has come to an end.

Really a Shame 31 Oct 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Really a Shame

For decades the Zionist regime has been using force and brutality against the Palestinians and even has occupied lands of the Palestinian people but the international bodies and above all the Unite Nations have remained passive and sometimes indifferent against these atrocities and when the UN has tried to take action, world powers have vetoed it and this cycle of crimes against the Palestinians has continued to date.

Zionist Regime, the Killing Machine 02 Oct 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Zionist Regime, the Killing Machine

For decades since its illegal birth, Israel, better to say the Zionist regime, has been busy with killing the innocent people and it has turned into a killing machine and the only reaction from the world has been some ineffective statements and verbal condemnation and it has made the Zionists be bold enough to continue its crimes before the eyes of the other countries in the world.

Time to Silence the Zionists 14 Sep 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Time to Silence the Zionists

In recent weeks the Zionist regime has intensified its boasts and threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran and it seems this regime requires a proper response and Iran needs silence this arrogant and fake regime to stop hollow claims.

Might Is Right in This World 08 Sep 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Might Is Right in This World

It seems the rule of jungle dominates the current world and everybody who is mighty is right or at least practically it seems so because international bodies which have been set up to defend rights of nations especially the weak ones usually jump to defend the mighty sides. So if you want to survive, you should try to be powerful and stand on your own foot otherwise you are doomed to be lackey of powerful ones.

Zionists Need to Be Tamed 29 Aug 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Zionists Need to Be Tamed

In recent years and especially in recent weeks most Western countries have focused on the peaceful nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran and have called Iran’s nuclear program a threat to the peace in the world while they themselves have A-bombs and the Zionist regime which is the main threat to peace and stability in the region has many A-bombs and they are not ready to rein the nuclear power of the Zionist regimeand bringing it under the IAEA and NPT agreement.

Zionists Too Weak to Mess With Iran 22 Aug 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Zionists Too Weak to Mess With Iran

The fake Israeli regime in recent years has resorted to any means to weaken or unbalance the Islamic Revolution of Iran but its efforts have been futile and despite these efforts, the Islamic Republic has become much stronger and has strengthened its position in the region and in the world and for this reason Iran does not fear the Zionists’ bullies and is ready for any due response to the Zionists’ atrocities.

Palestinians Resolved to Bring Down Zionists 10 Aug 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Palestinians Resolved to Bring Down Zionists

In recent days until Sunday evening, the world had been  watching another savagery action from the Zionist regime which led to deaths of dozens of civilian Palestinians through the Zionist air raids and this almost five-day war ended with a truce because of resistance from Palestinians and their due responses to the Zionists by firing rockets especially towards Tel Aviv and this once again showed the world that the Zionists need to be tamed and resistance and harsh response is the only solution to stop the Zionists.

IAEA Taken Captive, Exploited by Zionists 11 Jun 2022

IAEA Taken Captive, Exploited by Zionists

Iran’s nuclear chief says the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been taken captive by the Israeli regime and is being exploited following the anti-Tehran resolution at the agency’s board of governors meeting in Vienna this week.