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Zarif Archives - Page 7 of 21 - Iran News Daily
Lavrov in Tehran to Bolster Ties 14 Apr 2021

Lavrov in Tehran to Bolster Ties

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has condemned the European Union for imposing sanctions on Iran at a time when Tehran and the signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal are engaged in a diplomatic process in Vienna to save the troubled agreement.

Zarif says European Union losing relevance 13 Apr 2021

Zarif says European Union losing relevance

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday strongly condemned EU’s passiveness towards the sabotage act in the Natanz nuclear facility, stating that the European Union must be ashamed of itself and promised that Iran’s nuclear industry will come back stronger.

Vienna Meeting Under the Blade of Iran-China Agreement 10 Apr 2021
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Vienna Meeting Under the Blade of Iran-China Agreement

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister and Head of Iran’s delegation in the meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission on Wednesday in Vienna met and talked with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

Analyst: Iran Needs to Caution West of Time Limit for Negotiations 07 Apr 2021

Analyst: Iran Needs to Caution West of Time Limit for Negotiations

Senior Political Analyst Seyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm noted the requirements of the Iranian parliament’s law for Strategic Measures to Counter Sanctions, which call for enhancement of Iran's remedial measures, and said Tehran needs to caution the West that the time frame for the West's compliance with their nuclear deal undertaking is not open.

“Fruitful” meetings with Uzbeck officials 06 Apr 2021

“Fruitful” meetings with Uzbeck officials

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif termed meetings with Uzbek officials as fruitful.

Zarif urges E3 to act constructively in Vienna 05 Apr 2021

Zarif urges E3 to act constructively in Vienna

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday urged the three European parties to the 2015 nuclear agreement – Britain, France and Germany - to honor their commitments under the pact and act constructively in the meeting in Vienna on Tuesday.

Iran Keen on Tripling Exports to China 04 Apr 2021

Iran Keen on Tripling Exports to China

Iran is capable of increasing the value of its exports to China to $27 billion within the next few years, according to top economic officials in the country.

Iran-China agreement : a roadmap for mutual prosperity 04 Apr 2021

Iran-China agreement : a roadmap for mutual prosperity

Iran, and China have signed a comprehensive long-term cooperation agreement with the aim of cementing their economic and political alliance as both countries are subjected to U.S. sanctions.

Zarif warns IAEA Board of Governors over probable wrong move 01 Mar 2021

Zarif warns IAEA Board of Governors over probable wrong move

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday warned the IAEA Board of Governors over any probable wrong move.

Zarif: Accord with IAEA shows Iran’s “good faith” 23 Feb 2021

Zarif: Accord with IAEA shows Iran’s “good faith”

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a Twitter message that the agreements between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) show Tehran’s good faith and “all remedial measures are reversible".