WHO Official Warns of Second Wave of COVID-19 This Winter
The WHO’s top officials in Europe have voiced concerns that a second wave of coronavirus may be inevitable this winter, possibly exacerbated by seasonal flu or a potential measles outbreak.
COVID-19 Wake-Up Call for All Nations
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Monday that the COVID-19 pandemic is the greatest challenge of our age and it must be a wake-up call for all nations.
WHO: ‘positive data’ on treatments for COVID-19
WHO said on Tuesday that some treatments appear to be limiting the severity or length of the COVID-19 respiratory disease and said the body is focusing on learning more about four or five of the most promising ones.
WHO: Iran, third in clinical trials ranking for COVID-19 treatment
Iran stood at the third rank after China and the United States in the field of clinical research and trials with the aim of examining the effectiveness of treatment strategies against the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, WHO says.
UN: WHO Funding Should Not Be Cut amid COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic requires an unprecedented global response, and reducing the funding of the World Health Organization, which champions that response, is untimely, UN Secretary-General says.
UN Appeals for $4.7b More to Fight Coronavirus
The UN on Thursday issued a new appeal for $4.7 billion in funding to “protect millions of lives and stem the spread of coronavirus in fragile countries.”
WHO Urges Governments to Investigate Early COVID-19 Cases
The WHO said on Tuesday that a report that COVID-19 had emerged in December in France, sooner than previously thought, was "not surprising", and urged countries to investigate any other early suspicious cases.
WHO rejects US claims about Wuhan lab
The World Health Organization (WHO) has denied the US’ claims that the coronavirus could have originated at a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
Shift of Power from West to East Inescapable
An American academic and political analyst said the COVID-19 crisis has revealed all inequalities and disparities of the Western society, stressing that the shift of power from the West to the East is inescapable.
WHO chief: COVID-19 will stay for a long time
COVID-19 will be around for a long time and one of the greatest dangers is complacency, World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned Wednesday.