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war Archives - Iran News Daily
European countries must recognize Palestinian state to end war: Foreign minister 03 Mar 2024

European countries must recognize Palestinian state to end war: Foreign minister

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki stressed on Saturday that the European countries should recognize the Palestinian state to reach a solution to the ongoing conflict.

West’s foundations collapsed in Gaza war: top advisor 21 Nov 2023

West’s foundations collapsed in Gaza war: top advisor

The top advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, has said that the West's foundations have crumbled amid the Gaza war, leading to widespread distrust of their dishonesty.

Exploring the human side of war: Part 1 26 Sep 2023

Exploring the human side of war: Part 1

The Iran-Iraq war, also known as the Sacred Defense, was a brutal conflict that took place between the two countries from 1980 to 1988. The war had a profound impact on both countries, resulting in significant loss of life, economic devastation, and social upheaval.

Through the lens of a war photographer: capturing the history and heroes of Iran-Iraq war 29 Aug 2023

Through the lens of a war photographer: capturing the history and heroes of Iran-Iraq war

The role of photography in shaping our perception of the world is undeniable, and one particular domain where it has wielded immense influence is in the documentation of conflicts and wars. 

EU “special tribunal” for Ukraine war raises more questions than answers 04 Dec 2022

EU “special tribunal” for Ukraine war raises more questions than answers

The European Union’s plans to set up a special tribunal to hear alleged Russian crimes in the Ukraine war has raised more questions than answers about the bloc’s initiative.

Palestinian child is killed; where is the West’s uproar? 01 Oct 2022

Palestinian child is killed; where is the West’s uproar?

A seven-year-old Palestinian child has died after running away from Israeli troops who were chasing him until he fell from a high place and the silence of the West speaks volumes. 

U.S. Likes to Fan the Flame of War 15 Sep 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

U.S. Likes to Fan the Flame of War

While the world is eager to see an end to Ukraine-Russia war because of global problems, some countries predominantly the U.S. prefer the war to continue in order to sell their arms to Ukraine or other countries which are afraid of future wars.

U.S. Benefits From War in Ukraine 15 Aug 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

U.S. Benefits From War in Ukraine

Western powers and predominantly the U.S. have always claimed they are anti-war countries and support peace in the world but they have actually been behind all wars and even they have waged or ignited the wars in any part of the world and Ukraine is the best contemporary example for this war-mongering nature of the U.S. and its Western allies.

Biden didn’t ban “offensive operations” in war on Yemen 13 Jun 2022

Biden didn’t ban “offensive operations” in war on Yemen

U.S. President Joe Biden's announcement at the State Department two weeks after winning the Presidency that he would end all U.S. support for “offensive operations” in the war on Yemen, “including relevant arms sales" to the Saudi-led coalition was ambiguous. 

Western arms firms enjoying huge profits from Ukraine crisis 12 Jun 2022

Western arms firms enjoying huge profits from Ukraine crisis

According to the United Nations, around 14 million people have fled their homes in Ukraine. Nearly seven million have left for neighboring countries, including Russia, with another eight million who are considered internally displaced people.