Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
US Archives - Page 6 of 119 - Iran News Daily
The U.S. mainstream media is desperate with lies… 24 Jul 2023

The U.S. mainstream media is desperate with lies…

“For the U.S. and its NATO allies, these past 18 months have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Finland and Sweden. Germany has weaned itself from dependence of Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall it has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”

Commander Warns U.S. Over Unloading Iranian Oil From Seized Tanker 22 Jul 2023

Commander Warns U.S. Over Unloading Iranian Oil From Seized Tanker

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has warned that any oil company unloading hundreds of thousands of barrels of seized Iranian oil sitting in a Greek tanker off the coast of Texas would be held accountable.

Cluster Bomb or Cluster Crime? 18 Jul 2023
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Cluster Bomb or Cluster Crime?

For years many international bodies have tried to control war crimes through restricting deadly weapons and weapons of mass destruction which threatens the life of people but each time big powers and mainly the U.S. and its allies have violated what has been approved by those bodies to save the life of people through banning any deadly and mass destruction weapons.

U.S.’s Hollow Democracy 16 Jul 2023
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

U.S.’s Hollow Democracy

For decades or according to some claims for centuries the West and predominantly the U.S. have been claiming of supporting democracy and they have been apparently fighting for it in their own countries and even been seeking it in other countries but when we just have a look at their own records we realize that it is much ado for nothing and democracy is an illusion and hollow that even their own people do not believe in the claims and slogans of their statesmen.

Iran Needs U.S. License for Changing Its Freed Resources Into Dollar in Iraq 06 Jul 2023

Iran Needs U.S. License for Changing Its Freed Resources Into Dollar in Iraq

Secretary of Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce says although Iran’s blocked money in Iraq has been unfrozen but Iran needs the U.S. license for changing the sources into dollar.

Washington Committing Any Crime to Achieve Goals 04 Jul 2023

Washington Committing Any Crime to Achieve Goals

–Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani says that the U.S., despite its claims of defending human rights, will not shy away from committing any kind of crime to achieve its illegitimate goals.

U.S. Behind Any Major Terrorist Act in the World 27 Jun 2023
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

U.S. Behind Any Major Terrorist Act in the World

For decades or better to say at least in the recent century all of U.S. administrations have resorted to force, plot and finally terrorist acts to tame the countries which do not obey their policy and the Islamic Revolution in Iran since its victory in 1979 has been the target of any plot and terrorist act which has been engineered by the U.S. and its allies mainly Israel.

Tehran Dismisses U.S. Claim of Russia’s Use of Iranian Drones in Ukraine 25 Jun 2023

Tehran Dismisses U.S. Claim of Russia’s Use of Iranian Drones in Ukraine

Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations has dismissed the latest claim by the United States and its allies regarding Russia’s use of Iranian drones in the Ukraine war.

Arrogant Powers’ Enmity Toward Iran Not to End Even If Nation Retreats 06 Jun 2023

Arrogant Powers’ Enmity Toward Iran Not to End Even If Nation Retreats

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the arrogant powers will not stop their enmity toward the Iranian nation even if the country retreats from its stances, noting that they want a dependent and subservient Iran.

De-Dollarization Serious Threat to U.S. Int’l Influence 24 May 2023

De-Dollarization Serious Threat to U.S. Int’l Influence

De-dollarization is not a voluntary choice, but it is a necessary response to the weaponization of the dollar, Iran's First Vice President said Wed., adding that ditching the dollar will endanger U.S. influence in the world.