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US Archives - Page 18 of 119 - Iran News Daily
JCPOA Deepens Chasm in U.S. 13 Feb 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

JCPOA Deepens Chasm in U.S.

When in 2016 Republican candidate Donald Trump stunned his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential race, no American ever thought that it would lead to a chasm among the U.S. politicians and even among the nation and this revealed itself during the 2020 presidential election after Joe Biden defeated Trump in a controversial ever presidential race in the history of the U.S. and ever since the chasm among the Democratic and Republican politicians and even people has deepened and it has left the U.S. administration in limbo for making decision on any issue.

Iran following up on case brought by EB patients against U.S. 09 Feb 2022

Iran following up on case brought by EB patients against U.S.

Iran is pursuing the case indicting 30 U.S. officials and entities for harsh sanctions which are threatening the lives of hundreds of epidermolysis bullosa (EB) patients in the country.

Trump, Biden Destroying America’s Image 09 Feb 2022

Trump, Biden Destroying America’s Image

  Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has criticized the incumbent U.S. president Joe Biden and the former president Donald Trump, saying they are tarnishing what is left of U.S. reputation.

Iran Right Not to Trust the U.S. 07 Feb 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Iran Right Not to Trust the U.S.

Since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, all governments in the country and even its leadership have repeatedly said that they cannot trust the U.S. and have considered this arrogant country as their enemy number one and they have had their own reasons to think so and history has shown us that the Iranians have been always right in not trusting the U.S. governments, and on the whole the U.S. because they always tell lies even to their own nation.

U.S., Main Supporter of Wars in Region 06 Feb 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

U.S., Main Supporter of Wars in Region

For years it has been proved to the world that arrogant countries just think of their own benefits in other countries and whatever they do is just for milking the countries especially in the oil-rich areas in the Middle East and the West Asia.

Nation’s Maximum Resistance Overcomes U.S. Maximum Pressure 05 Feb 2022

Nation’s Maximum Resistance Overcomes U.S. Maximum Pressure

 President Ebrahim Raisi says the United States’ maximum pressure policy against the Islamic Republic has failed in the face of Iran’s maximum resistance campaign.

Just for the Sake of Fist of Dollars More 30 Jan 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Just for the Sake of Fist of Dollars More

Although Syrian forces have thwarted the terrorists and rebels atrocities and have retaken the occupied forces and there is no need to the uninvited foreign forces, the U.S. forces continue their presence in Syrian territories under the pretext of fighting the terrorist and IS forces but everybody knows it well that it is just for the sake of a fist of dollars more and looting the oil from Styria and dominating in the region.

The U.S., Leader of Economic Terrorism 26 Jan 2022
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

The U.S., Leader of Economic Terrorism

Terrorism is a phenomena which threatens nations and governments and through the decades it has occurred in different forms and recently some version of it, economic terrorism, is dominating the world and makes the people in the world suffer of it.

Iran can be a partner of choice for Arab allies of U.S. 19 Jan 2022

Iran can be a partner of choice for Arab allies of U.S.

With the U.S. withdrawing militarily from the region, Iran is best positioned to become the fulcrum of any security cooperation between the countries of the West Asia region.

U.S. not following any diplomatic ethics: Pakistani analyst 18 Jan 2022

U.S. not following any diplomatic ethics: Pakistani analyst

A member of an Islamabad-based think tank says that Washington is not committed to any diplomatic ethics or obligation.