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US sanctions Archives - Page 18 of 47 - Iran News Daily
Zarif urges sweden to sell EB patients medicine 05 Dec 2019

Zarif urges sweden to sell EB patients medicine

TEHRAN (Iran News) – While welcoming the six new members, including Sweden, in a non-dollar trade mechanism aimed to circumvent US sanctions against Iran, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has criticized Stockholm for yielding to Washington’s bullying and stopping to sell Tehran EB patients medicine to treat them. Speaking on the sidelines of a cabinet […]

Iran textile industry revives with US sanctions 05 Dec 2019

Iran textile industry revives with US sanctions

TEHRAN (Iran News) – US sanctions have provided Iran with a rare opportunity to revive its textile and clothing industry which is as old as its history. There is a big opportunity for existing textile and apparel plants to expand and for new entrants to set up shop, especially in the wake of a stepped-up […]

Medicine sanctions on Iran are condemned; Zarif says 05 Dec 2019

Medicine sanctions on Iran are condemned; Zarif says

TEHRAN (Iran News)- Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday that those countries which seemingly support the 2015 nuclear deal are unfortunately preventing exports of medicine for special patients and follow sanctions on Iran. “As the issue is necessary and important, I am telling to the Europeans another time that Iran does not expect […]

Ready for negotiations if US lifts sanctions; Rouhani says 05 Dec 2019

Ready for negotiations if US lifts sanctions; Rouhani says

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iran is ready to return to the negotiations if the United States first drops sanctions, President Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday. European countries have been pushing for getting Iran ready for negotiations to salvage a 2015 nuclear deal that has been unraveling since the United States withdrew and reimposed sanctions last year. […]

Japan supports Iran nuclear deal; Abe says 04 Dec 2019

Japan supports Iran nuclear deal; Abe says

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on Tuesday said Japan still supports the Iran nuclear deal. “Japan still supports the Iran nuclear deal and will continue its diplomatic role in resolving the problems surrounding this international accord,” Abe told Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi in Tokyo, using the official name […]

Iran Selling Oil despite US Sanctions 02 Dec 2019

Iran Selling Oil despite US Sanctions

Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri highlighted the country’s success in countering the US sanctions and said the Islamic Republic is selling its oil despite the embargoes on the oil sector.

Air taxi services launches in Iran 02 Dec 2019

Air taxi services launches in Iran

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iranian authorities say air taxi services would be allowed for the first time in the country as demand for short-haul, on-demand services increase amid American sanctions that have affected the aviation industry. An official in Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization said on Sunday that several companies had obtained initial permits for launching […]

Silence on US sanctions must be broken 01 Dec 2019

Silence on US sanctions must be broken

TEHRAN (Iran News) – International organizations need to speak out and break the silence about US economic sanctions that target Iran’s food and medicine on top of the economy, an Iranian minister has said, warning of the adverse consequences of the embargoes. “The brave Iranian people are being victimized by plots and economic sanctions that […]

Activating JCPOA mechanism against Iran 28 Nov 2019

Activating JCPOA mechanism against Iran

TEHRAN (Iran News) – In yet another hostile move, France warned Iran on Wednesday about the possibility of activating a JCPOA mechanism that could pave the way for re-imposing UN sanctions on Tehran. France’s foreign minister warned on Wednesday that the question as to whether activating a dispute JCPOA mechanism enshrined in the Iran nuclear […]

Iran ICT minister: US used to sanctioning nations 26 Nov 2019

Iran ICT minister: US used to sanctioning nations

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iran ICT minister, Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi on Monday decried the United States’ sanctioning of nations as its “addiction” to embargoes. Azari-Jahromi made the remark after the US administration imposed sanctions on him on Friday under the pretext of the minister’s role in Internet shutdown in the country following days of protests […]