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unsc Archives - Iran News Daily
Iran Decries UNSC’s Inaction on Israeli War Crimes 09 Jun 2024

Iran Decries UNSC’s Inaction on Israeli War Crimes

A muted response from the UN Security Council to the Zionist regime’s war crimes against Gaza has shifted the burden towards nations and NGOs, the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman said, calling for a boycott of Israeli products.

Iran Urges UNSC to Condemn Israeli Crimes 08 Jan 2023

Iran Urges UNSC to Condemn Israeli Crimes

Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations has strongly condemned desecration of the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of al-Quds by Israel's new far-right security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

U.S. Policy Change Towards JCPOA “Only in Words” 13 Jun 2021

U.S. Policy Change Towards JCPOA “Only in Words”

Iran’s UN ambassador has rejected a U.S. claim of policy change towards the 2015 multilateral nuclear deal, saying Washington is still pushing ahead with the so-called “maximum pressure” campaign against Tehran.

China’s Strategy Is Not “to War” with the U.S. 07 Apr 2021
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

China’s Strategy Is Not “to War” with the U.S.

A short search in the internet and monitoring all actions of former U.S. President Donald Trump during his four years in office, from the standpoint of the U.S. Republicans and also actions during the past three months of the White House with its new resident President Joe Biden from the standpoint of Democrats which have been taken against People's Republic of China, indicates the reactions of the U.S. Administrations regarding these reports which have been prepared and handed over to the executive bodies by the U.S. Department of State, all intelligence offices, think-tanks and existing data banks in the country either secretly or openly for provoking politicians against China.

“The Economist” Humiliates Trump 21 Oct 2020

“The Economist” Humiliates Trump

The reliable British magazine “The Economist” was founded in 1843 by British businessman James Wilson.

Envoy: Iran Needs No Prior Consent from UNSC for Arms Trade 18 Oct 2020

Envoy: Iran Needs No Prior Consent from UNSC for Arms Trade

With the termination of the UN arms restrictions, Iran’s arms trade with the world needs no prior consent from the United Nations Security Council.

JCPOA Parties Determined to Preserve Iran Deal 03 Sep 2020

JCPOA Parties Determined to Preserve Iran Deal

The remaining signatories to a 2015 Iran nuclear deal say they will do everything possible to preserve

UNSC to Hold Meeting on Post-COVID-19 Security Threats 02 Sep 2020

UNSC to Hold Meeting on Post-COVID-19 Security Threats

The UN Security Council will hold a high-level summit during the annual meeting of world leaders at the General Assembly later this month to discuss security threats in the world after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

UNSC Consensus Once Again Proved U.S. Isolation 27 Aug 2020

UNSC Consensus Once Again Proved U.S. Isolation

Iran says the overwhelming consensus among members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) against the U.S.’s push to reinstate all anti-Iran UN sanctions proves Washington’s isolation once again.

Russian FM Warns US Bid against Iran Harms UNSC 24 Aug 2020

Russian FM Warns US Bid against Iran Harms UNSC

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Sunday that the United States’ push to reinstate all UN sanctions on Iran will fail.