Sunday, 16 March , 2025
UNIVERSITI Archives - Iran News Daily
University students’ jihad is to make the nation independent of foreign countries 12 Jan 2019

University students’ jihad is to make the nation independent of foreign countries

In a message to the fifty-third meeting of the Union of University Students Islamic Associations in Europe, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: It is a jihad in the path of Allah for Iranian students —anywhere in the world—who join the movement of contributing to the development of the country, moving it towards independence from foreigners. The full […]

Three Iranian universities to jointly produce a CubSat 24 Jul 2018

Three Iranian universities to jointly produce a CubSat

Iranian Space Agency (ISA) Director Morteza Barari said Tue. that three Iranian universities are jointly working on the manufacturing a CubeSat. A meeting was held in Tehran on Tuesday to discuss the cooperation between Iranian universities and the space industry, Iranian Space Agency (ISA) Director Morteza Barari stressed the important roles that universities can play […]