Iran urges UN to end violence against Muslims in India
A large group of student organizations of Iran, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and individuals have penned a letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, asking her to take decisive action to end the ongoing wave of violent attacks and brutality against Muslims in India.
Syria: Some Countries Trying to Turn UNSC into NATO Platform to Support Turkey
Syria’s permanent representative to the UN said on Thursday that some countries seek to turn Security council into a platform for NATO to support the Turkish aggression on Syrian territories.
Countries Imposing Medical Bans Not Qualified to Be HRC Members
The head of the Iranian Judiciary's High Council for Human Rights says countries imposing sanctions on supply of medicine to Iran are "murderers of human beings" and lack qualification to be members of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC).
Vienna to host JCPOA joint commission meeting Wednesday
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) joint commission meeting will be held in Vienna, Austria on Wednesday, according to the European Union.
UN: Libya’s Warring Sides Agree to Lasting Cease-Fire Deal
The UN mission in Libya said Monday that the country’s warring sides had agreed to turn a shaky cease-fire into a lasting deal, stirring modest hopes after weeks of sporadic violence that derailed negotiations.
Russia: UN intervene US refusal to issue visas
Russia has asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to take part in the urgent session on visa issuance scheduled for next week.
Iran, Pakistan for hosting Afghan refugees in past 40 years; UN
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised Iran and Pakistan for hosting millions of Afghan refugees during the past four decades.
Cameroon Massacre Left 14 dead Children: UN
A massacre in an Anglophone region of Cameroon left up to 22 villagers dead including 14 children, the UN said Sunday.
Libya Arms Embargo Has Become A ‘Joke’, UN Says
A senior United Nations official said the arms embargo on Libya is a “joke,” as governments called for accelerated talks on a permanent cease-fire there.
Israel Suspends Ties with UN Bachelet after Settlement Blacklist
Israel suspended its ties with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet.