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UN Archives - Page 13 of 22 - Iran News Daily
U.S. Not in a Position to Comment on Iran Nuclear Deal 09 May 2020

U.S. Not in a Position to Comment on Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran says the United States must stop seeking to secure its short-term interests at the cost of other nations' long-term prosperity.

US Deteriorates Security in Persian Gulf by Exiting JCPOA 08 May 2020

US Deteriorates Security in Persian Gulf by Exiting JCPOA

The United States deteriorated security in Persian Gulf, after it withdrew from the JCPOA two years ago, Russian Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov wrote on Twitter.

UN Appeals for $4.7b More to Fight Coronavirus 07 May 2020

UN Appeals for $4.7b More to Fight Coronavirus

The UN on Thursday issued a new appeal for $4.7 billion in funding to “protect millions of lives and stem the spread of coronavirus in fragile countries.”

Extension of UN Arms Embargo to Kill JCPOA 04 May 2020

Extension of UN Arms Embargo to Kill JCPOA

A senior Iranian official warns the illegal extension of the UN arms embargo on Iran will drag the already moribund Iran nuclear deal into permanent death.

US attempts to show itself as JCPOA participant bear no legal ground 02 May 2020

US attempts to show itself as JCPOA participant bear no legal ground

The US attempts to establish itself as ‘JCPoA participant’ have no legal grounds,” said Iran’s permanent representative to Vienna-based International Organizations.

Russia Rules Out Extension of UN Arms Embargo on Iran 01 May 2020

Russia Rules Out Extension of UN Arms Embargo on Iran

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said renewing a UN arms embargo against Iran which is to expire in October 2020 is out of the question.

Envoy: Extending Iran Arms Embargo Breaches UNSC Resolution 30 Apr 2020

Envoy: Extending Iran Arms Embargo Breaches UNSC Resolution

 Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said any US attempt to extend an arms embargo against Iran would run counter to the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

UN chief strongly condemns bomb attack in Syria’s Afrin 30 Apr 2020

UN chief strongly condemns bomb attack in Syria’s Afrin

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday firmly denounced a bomb attack by the PKK/YPG in Afrin, northwestern Syria that killed at least 40 civilians, including 11 children. 

Guterres calls for ‘inclusive dialogue’ to end Yemen war 28 Apr 2020

Guterres calls for ‘inclusive dialogue’ to end Yemen war

Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres has expressed concerns over the ongoing crisis in Yemen, calling on the “relevant stakeholders” to exercise restraint and engage in an inclusive dialogue.

Human Rights in Trouble amid Pandemic 28 Apr 2020

Human Rights in Trouble amid Pandemic

The UN rights chief warned that countries flouting the rule of law in the name of fighting the novel coronavirus pandemic risk sparking a "human rights disaster".