Friday, 14 March , 2025
U.S. Congresswoman Archives - Iran News Daily
Congresswoman says ‘shameful’ Biden reneging on refugee promise 17 Apr 2021

Congresswoman says ‘shameful’ Biden reneging on refugee promise

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has condemned “shameful” US President Joe Biden for reneging on his refugee promise and keeping in place the former Trump administration’s cap on refugee admissions for fiscal year 2021.

In the best interests of Americans: A response to a Congresswoman 26 Aug 2019

In the best interests of Americans: A response to a Congresswoman

“It's my job to make sure that the United States government acts in the best interests of Americans, and I'll continue working tirelessly to hold our government to the highest standards.” — U.S. Congresswoman Xochitl Torres Small (D, NM)