Tuesday, 2 July , 2024
Trump Archives - Iran News Daily
Trump reelection not to hinder Iran’s oil sales: Minister 12 Mar 2024

Trump reelection not to hinder Iran’s oil sales: Minister

Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji says that Tehran’s oil exports won’t be hampered if Donald Trump wins the US presidential elections in November. He also added that sanctions and acts of sabotage have failed to stop the country’s progress in the oil sector.

Trump reelection not to hinder Iran’s oil sales: Minister 11 Mar 2024

Trump reelection not to hinder Iran’s oil sales: Minister

Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji says that Tehran’s oil exports won’t be hampered if Donald Trump wins the US presidential elections in November. He also added that sanctions and acts of sabotage have failed to stop the country’s progress in the oil sector.

Donald Trump is arrested 05 Apr 2023

Donald Trump is arrested

–Donald Trump is the first former U.S. president to be arrested on criminal charges.

Trump is being damaged by the hearings: professor 06 Jul 2022

Trump is being damaged by the hearings: professor

Robert Y. Shapiro, the former chair of the Department of Political Science at Columbia University, says that after hearings Donald Trump has lost the votes of people who may support him because of their hatred towards Democrats.

Trump, Biden Destroying America’s Image 09 Feb 2022

Trump, Biden Destroying America’s Image

  Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has criticized the incumbent U.S. president Joe Biden and the former president Donald Trump, saying they are tarnishing what is left of U.S. reputation.

President Calls for Trial of Trump, Pompeo for Assassination of Martyr Soleimani 04 Jan 2022

President Calls for Trial of Trump, Pompeo for Assassination of Martyr Soleimani

President Ebrahim Raisi said Monday that if former U.S. president Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo are not brought to justice, Muslims will avenge the crime they committed against Gen. Soleimani.

Trump and others involved in Gen. Soleimani assassination will be punished, cleric asserts 01 Jan 2022

Trump and others involved in Gen. Soleimani assassination will be punished, cleric asserts

  Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, a top Iranian cleric and Tehran’s Friday prayer leader, asserted on Friday that Donald Trump and everyone who took part in assassinating Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani on January 3, 2020, will be severely punished.

Biden declines Trump attempt to block January 6 document release 10 Oct 2021

Biden declines Trump attempt to block January 6 document release

The White House authorizes the National Archives to turn over an initial set of documents associated with Trump's activities on January 6.

France, U.S. tensions enter “crisis” mode 20 Sep 2021

France, U.S. tensions enter “crisis” mode

In an unprecedented step that has exposed the intensity of France’s anger against its allies, Paris has recalled its ambassadors to the United States and Australia in a furious row over the scrapping of a submarine contract. 

Leader Says Biden Administration No Different to Trump 29 Aug 2021

Leader Says Biden Administration No Different to Trump

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei says the current U.S. administration is not different from the former government of President Donald Trump who abandoned an international nuclear deal and unleashed the most draconian sanctions on Iran.