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Yemen’s Ansarullah Says Targets UAE’s Nuclear Plan with Long-Range Missile 03 Dec 2017

Yemen’s Ansarullah Says Targets UAE’s Nuclear Plan with Long-Range Missile

TEHRAN– Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has fired a cruise missile toward a nuclear power plant in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, the group’s television network said on its website on Sunday. “The missile force announces the launching of a winged cruise missile … toward the al-Barakah nuclear reactor in Abu Dhabi,” the website […]

Yemen Army Targets Pro-Saudi Militants with Homegrown Missile 26 Sep 2017

Yemen Army Targets Pro-Saudi Militants with Homegrown Missile

TEHRAN  – Yemen’s army and Popular Committees fired a homegrown ballistic missile at the position of Saudi-backed militants in the southwestern province of Taiz. The missile command of the Yemeni army announced that it hit Saudi-paid mercenaries near al-Sultan hilltop in al-Hameli area with a new type of domestically-made ballistic missile dubbed Zelzal-2. A military official […]

Iran’s New Ballistic Missile Can Hit Multiple Targets 25 Sep 2017

Iran’s New Ballistic Missile Can Hit Multiple Targets

TEHRAN  – A new long-range ballistic missile at the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ disposal can be used for hitting multiple targets, a top commander said. In comments on Monday, Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said the large ballistic missile, Khorramshahr, can carry a warhead weighing 1,800 kilograms. The 13-meter-long […]