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Syria Archives - Page 50 of 55 - Iran News Daily
UN Getting Ready for New Peace Talks on Syria 26 Nov 2017

UN Getting Ready for New Peace Talks on Syria

TEHRAN  – The office of the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura on Saturday issued a latest statement, showing that they are getting ready for the new round of the intra-Syrian peace talk which is expected to kick off next Monday. The statement said that the special envoy takes note of the conclusion […]

Iranian President Vows to Continue Strategic Ties with Syria 26 Nov 2017

Iranian President Vows to Continue Strategic Ties with Syria

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stressed the need to continue the campaign against terror groups in the Middle East region and said Tehran is determined to continue its support for Damascus in counter-terrorism. In a telephone conversation with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday evening, President Rouhani offered his congratulations over recent victories of […]

It is necessary to move towards a political settlement in Syria 25 Nov 2017

It is necessary to move towards a political settlement in Syria

MOSCOW – Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu reiterated the importance of taking steps towards a political settlement for the crisis in Syria. During a meeting with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura in Moscow on Friday, Shoygu stressed the importance of exchanging views with de Mistura to try and find additional steps and […]

Erdogan doesn’t rule out cooperation with Syria’s Assad on YPG 25 Nov 2017

Erdogan doesn’t rule out cooperation with Syria’s Assad on YPG

TEHRAN–Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan didn’t rule out possibility of cooperation with Syria’s Assad government on YPG. Ankara continues to rule out any place for the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its militia the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in any solution process in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated, after Turkey, Iran and […]

Iran, the silent savior of Iraq and Syria from ISIL 25 Nov 2017

Iran, the silent savior of Iraq and Syria from ISIL

TEHRAN – Many strategists and analysts believe that if it was not for Iran, Syria, and Iraq would have fallen in the hand of ISIL terrorist group. the following text discusses the issue from this perspective. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani declared Tuesday that the so-called caliphate of the terrorist group ISIL, also known as IS, […]

Africa Should Not Become Extremist Groups’ Base: Iran’s VP 24 Nov 2017

Africa Should Not Become Extremist Groups’ Base: Iran’s VP

Iranian First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said given the collapse of Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Iraq and Syria, efforts should be made to prevent Africa from turning into a base for extremist groups. “Given the defeat of Daesh in Iraq and Syria, we (should have) cooperation and synergy to not let […]

Iran has achieved its interests in Syria without being deceived: Shamkhani 24 Nov 2017

Iran has achieved its interests in Syria without being deceived: Shamkhani

TEHRAN – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said late on Tuesday that Iran has succeeded to meet its interests and help eradicate Daesh in Iraq and Syria without being deceived by any other country. “Now that success has been achieved [in defeating Daesh], some believe that relations between Iran and Russia […]

Popular Forces Prevented Syria’s Disintegration 23 Nov 2017

Popular Forces Prevented Syria’s Disintegration

TEHRAN– Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said Syria would have been disintegrated had it not been for mobilized popular forces’ participation in the Arab country’s fight against terrorist groups. “If it had not been for mobilized popular forces’ in Syria, it would have surely been partitioned”, General Jafari told […]

Rouhani criticizes Arab League’s inaction on Daesh 22 Nov 2017

Rouhani criticizes Arab League’s inaction on Daesh

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday harshly criticized the Arab League’s inaction in the face of savage acts by Daesh in Syria, calling it a “worn-out” and “ineffective” body. “Where was the Arab League when the Syrians were beheaded in Aleppo?” Rouhani asked in a speech at the 5th National Congress of the […]

Daesh Eliminated in Iraq, Syria Thanks to Iran’s Anti-Terror Campaign: Larijani 21 Nov 2017

Daesh Eliminated in Iraq, Syria Thanks to Iran’s Anti-Terror Campaign: Larijani

TEHRAN  – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani praised the full liberation of Syrian and Iraqi territories from Daesh terrorists and said Iran’s assistance to the Arab countries played a major role in the elimination of the terror group. Speaking to reporters before his departure to Turkey on Tuesday, Larijani pointed to security problems facing the […]