Saturday, 6 July , 2024
sneeze Archives - Iran News Daily
Blocking A Sneeze, Man Ruptures Throat 18 Jan 2018

Blocking A Sneeze, Man Ruptures Throat

TEHRAN– Pinching your nose while clamping your mouth shut to contain a forceful sneeze isn’t a good idea, warn doctors. Pinching your nose while clamping your mouth shut to contain a forceful sneeze isn’t a good idea, warn doctors in the journal BMJ Case Reports. One young man managed to rupture the back of his […]

Suppressing a sneeze can be dangerous, doctors warn 16 Jan 2018

Suppressing a sneeze can be dangerous, doctors warn

Stifling a sneeze can rupture your throat, burst an ear drum, or pop a blood vessel in your brain, researchers warned Tuesday. Many people — when they feel a sneeze coming on — block all the exits, essentially swallowing the sneeze’s explosive force. Just how dangerous this can be was illustrated when a 34-year-old man […]