Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
scientists Archives - Iran News Daily
Rarest Time Bomb Star System Discovered 12 Oct 2020

Rarest Time Bomb Star System Discovered

Researchers revealed Sunday they have discovered a new star system that belongs to one of the rarest star types in the known universe.

DNA-Like Molecule to Aid Search for Alien Life 25 Feb 2019

DNA-Like Molecule to Aid Search for Alien Life

Scientists have synthesized a molecular system that, like DNA, can store and transmit information, possibly on other worlds, too. This unprecedented feat suggests there could be an alternative to DNA-based life, as we know it on Earth – a genetic system for life that may be possible on other worlds. This new molecular system, which […]

Scientists to Predict Weather Further Ahead than Before 17 Feb 2019

Scientists to Predict Weather Further Ahead than Before

Today’s sophisticated models can make reasonably decent weather forecasts up to 10 days in advance. A newly developed computing technique promises to push the limits of weather forecasts even further ahead. If the system fulfils its initial promise, we could be looking at another four or five days of weather forecasts that are actually useful […]

Scientists to Understand Effects of Chinese Language on Cognitive Performance 03 Oct 2018

Scientists to Understand Effects of Chinese Language on Cognitive Performance

 Scientists are trying to learn more about the mechanisms behind cerebral disorders by mapping Chinese people’s brains to get a better understanding of how the influence of the Chinese language affects cognitive performance. Hospitals and universities in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Guangdong province, are the main participants in the joint study commissioned by the Shanghai Research […]

7 Iranians among world’s most impactful scientists 23 Nov 2017

7 Iranians among world’s most impactful scientists

TEHRAN– The 2017 Highly Cited Researchers List recently released by Clarivate Analytics has named seven Iranians among the world’s most impactful scientific researchers. Clarivate Analytics, the global leader in trusted insights and analytics that accelerate the pace of innovation, has released its publication of its annual Highly Cited Researchers list among which are the names of seven […]