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sanctions Archives - Page 9 of 41 - Iran News Daily
Iran-China Trade Exchange Likely to Be Doubled After Removal of Sanctions 23 Jun 2021

Iran-China Trade Exchange Likely to Be Doubled After Removal of Sanctions

Chairman of the Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industries Mr. Majid-​Reza Hariri believes the trade exchange between Iran and China may likely be doubled if the U.S. sanctions against Iran are removed.

Presidential Election a “Big No” to Sanctions Organizers 23 Jun 2021

Presidential Election a “Big No” to Sanctions Organizers

Government Spokesman Ali Rabiee said on Tuesday that the 13th Presidential election in Iran which was held energetic with people's participation conveyed a very important message of a "Big No" to those behind the sanctions against the Iranian nation and those who had called the nation to boycott the election.

U.S. prevents lifting of sanctions on Iran 21 Jun 2021

U.S. prevents lifting of sanctions on Iran

A detailed report by the Iranian Parliamentary Research Center (IPRC) has stated that the United States is putting up obstacles in lifting sanctions against Iran, Press TV reported on Sunday.

Sanctions Made Spanish Private Banks Cautious in Dealing With Iran 20 Jun 2021

Sanctions Made Spanish Private Banks Cautious in Dealing With Iran

  During the Iran-Spain Trade Day meeting, participants referred to the Spanish private banks’ caution regarding deal with Iran due to the sanctions and called for resolving it to materialize the 5-billion-trade target between the two countries.

Lifting sanctions constitutes ‘essential part’ of JCPOA 16 Jun 2021

Lifting sanctions constitutes ‘essential part’ of JCPOA

The European Union and the United States have said that lifting sanctions on Iran constitutes an “essential part” of the 215 Iran nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), whose possible revival is the subject of the ongoing talks in Vienna since early April, according to Press TV.

Tehran says Biden admin. is accomplice in brutal sanctions on Iranians 14 Jun 2021

Tehran says Biden admin. is accomplice in brutal sanctions on Iranians

Iran has expressed its strong dismay over the Joe Biden administration’s failure to lift illegal sanctions against Iran despite the fact that 144 days have passed since Biden took over as president at the White House.

“To Progress” Or “Not to Progress” This the Question 14 Jun 2021
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

“To Progress” Or “Not to Progress” This the Question

For weeks the talks on Iran’s nuclear deal, the JCPOA, have resume in Vienna and the signatories of the deal are discussing the return of the U.S. to the JCPOA and everyday one party says something differently on the outcome of the talks.

There’s prospect for lifting of sanctions in dignified manner 09 Jun 2021

There’s prospect for lifting of sanctions in dignified manner

Government spokesman Ali Rabiei said on Tuesday that there is a prospect for cancellation of all nuclear and non-nuclear sanctions against Iran in a “dignified manner”.

Zarif urges U.S. to change course 09 Jun 2021

Zarif urges U.S. to change course

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has reacted to the claims of his American counterpart about the necessary measures to fully resume the nuclear agreement.

Zarif calls on U.S. to avoid using sanctions as ‘leverage’ 07 Jun 2021

Zarif calls on U.S. to avoid using sanctions as ‘leverage’

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has called on the U.S. to return to its obligations and stop trying to use economic sanctions as a negotiating “leverage.”