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sanctions Archives - Page 22 of 41 - Iran News Daily
Imports of Pesticide From Europe Halted 20 Aug 2020

Imports of Pesticide From Europe Halted

Head of Iran’s Plant Protection Organization says consumption of dangerous pesticide in the agriculture sector of the country has dropped sharply, adding that imports of pesticides from European countries has been halted due to sanctions.

U.S. Not Allowed to Use ‘Snapback’ Mechanism Against Iran 20 Aug 2020

U.S. Not Allowed to Use ‘Snapback’ Mechanism Against Iran

President Hassan Rouhani says the United States is not legally authorized to trigger the so-called “snapback” mechanism to reinstate UN sanctions against Iran.

Iran to Export Weapons After Sanctions Lift 17 Aug 2020

Iran to Export Weapons After Sanctions Lift

Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said that Islamic Republic of Iran will export weapons and arms after sanctions imposed against the country are lifted.

Tankers Seizure Claims ‘Cheap Propaganda’: Iran’s Zarif 16 Aug 2020

Tankers Seizure Claims ‘Cheap Propaganda’: Iran’s Zarif

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the US’ claims that it has seized four Venezuela-bound Iranian tankers are “cheap” and “hollow” propaganda.

India long-term Strategy to Purchase Iran’s Oil 15 Aug 2020

India long-term Strategy to Purchase Iran’s Oil

The long-term strategy of India is to purchase Iran’s oil, as large refineries in the South Asian country have been built in accordance with the Iranian oil’s quality.

Iran Calls Report on US Capturing Iranian Tankers, a Lie 15 Aug 2020

Iran Calls Report on US Capturing Iranian Tankers, a Lie

Iran’s Ambassador to Venezuela Hojjat Soltani rejected as “lie” a media report that the US has seized four Iranian tankers transporting fuel to Venezuela.

Rouhani: US Arms Embargo Efforts Hopefully To Fail 13 Aug 2020

Rouhani: US Arms Embargo Efforts Hopefully To Fail

President Hassan Rouhani expressed "great hopes" Wednesday that a US bid to extend an arms embargo on Iran will fail, warning of consequences if the UN Security Council backs it.

Trump Had Four Years for Diplomacy with Iran, But Didn’t: Iran Spox 12 Aug 2020

Trump Had Four Years for Diplomacy with Iran, But Didn’t: Iran Spox

Iran’s government spokesman Ali Rabiei said Tuesday that US President Donald Trump had four years during his tenure to initiate diplomacy with the Islamic Republic, but he failed to grasp the opportunity.

Iranian Experts Repair Heavy Aircraft, CAO Says 11 Aug 2020

Iranian Experts Repair Heavy Aircraft, CAO Says

Iranian technicians have acquired the know-how and capability to repair and overhaul heavy aircraft, said the head of the Civil Aviation Organization (CAO) of Iran.

China Sanctions US Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Others 10 Aug 2020

China Sanctions US Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Others

Beijing has announced retaliatory sanctions against the US which will target Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, among others.