Merkel: Pandemic at Start Point
Chancellor Merkel urged Germans to show endurance and discipline to get through the coronavirus pandemic that is “still at the beginning”.
WHO chief: COVID-19 will stay for a long time
COVID-19 will be around for a long time and one of the greatest dangers is complacency, World Health Organization (WHO) chief warned Wednesday.
France Claims Unemployment of Private-Sector Workers
More than 10 million employees in France - one out of every two in the private sector - have been laid off during the coronavirus lockdown.
‘Hunger pandemic’ closing as coronavirus rages
The COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought a third of the world population under lockdown, is now threatening more than a quarter of a billion people with hunger.
Infected People with Coronavirus Maybe Ninety Times More
New studies indicate that up to 230 million people may have had coronavirus and survived, WHO expert says.
Barcelona passed COVID-19 peak
People in Barcelona hunker down for the fifth week in a row in fear of a COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 4,000 people across Catalonia.
Update: Global COVID-19 death toll surpasses 170,000
As of Tuesday, more than 2.4 million people have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 in 210 countries and territories around the world while more than 170,000 have died.
G20: Pandemic Proves ‘Weaknesses’ in Health Systems
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed "systemic weaknesses" in global health systems, the G20 said Monday.
Kuwait Speaks of Solidarity with Iran in Pandemic Combat
Speaker of the National Assembly of Kuwait, Marzouq al-Ghanim expressed his country’s solidarity with Iran in dealing with the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Pandemic Kills over 150,000
Coronavirus pandemic deaths have surged over 150,000 worldwide with nearly a quarter of them in the United States.