Monday, 22 July , 2024
Military Archives - Page 6 of 6 - Iran News Daily
No Foreign Access to Iran’s Military Sites, Official Reiterates 12 Sep 2017

No Foreign Access to Iran’s Military Sites, Official Reiterates

TEHRAN  – An Iranian official underlined that foreigners would never be given access to the country’s military bases, deriding the notion that the UN nuclear watchdog sees no distinction between civilian and military sites in its inspections as a figment of Yukiya Amano’s imagination. Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Tuesday, Ali Akbar Velayati, a […]

Iran Never to Allow Foreigners to Inspect Its Military Sites 04 Sep 2017

Iran Never to Allow Foreigners to Inspect Its Military Sites

TEHRAN  – A senior Iranian lawmaker denounced the US call for inspection of Iran’s military sites, stressing that the Islamic Republic will never allow foreign sides to inspect its military centers. There is no connection between the country’s military centers and its nuclear activities, Spokesperson for the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission […]