Monday, 22 July , 2024
jica Archives - Iran News Daily
Japanese management models be used in medical services 25 Nov 2019

Japanese management models be used in medical services

TEHRAN (Iran News) – According to an MOU signed between the Iranian health ministry and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Iran will take advantage of Japanese management models to improve its medical services. The MOU was signed by a senior official from the international department of the Iranian health ministry Mohsen Asadi Lari and JICA Iran Office Chief Representative Yukiharu […]

Japan says continuing cooperation with Tehran under sanctions 17 Oct 2018

Japan says continuing cooperation with Tehran under sanctions

A senior official of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) announced that the country will not alter its supportive policies towards Iran after implementation of the US sanctions on November 4. “JICA always supports development of mutual cooperation in the private sector and it will use its utmost efforts to return the Japanese companies to the […]

JICA to fund power plants rehabilitation project in Iran 24 Jan 2018

JICA to fund power plants rehabilitation project in Iran

TEHRAN – Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is going to fund the rehabilitation project of Iranian thermal power plants, IRNA reported on Tuesday quoting an official at Iran’s Thermal Power Plants Holding Company (TPPH). According to Hamidreza Azimi, the deputy for planning affairs in TPPH, Iranian power plants current efficiency stands at 37.8 percent. The […]