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JCPOA Archives - Page 10 of 127 - Iran News Daily
President Rules Out Talks Under pressure 06 Sep 2021

President Rules Out Talks Under pressure

President Ebrahim Raisi has said Iran’s ready for talks over reviving the 2015 nuclear deal but it won’t negotiate under pressure.

No More JCPOA Talks for Sake of Talks 04 Sep 2021

No More JCPOA Talks for Sake of Talks

The policy of the news revolutionary government in the Islamic Republic of Iran is interaction with the world based on the mutual interests and it welcomes any dialogue with the world but it will not pursue the policy of talks for the sake of talks to entertain the nation and the world with talks.

IAEA chief, EU discuss JCPOA 01 Sep 2021

IAEA chief, EU discuss JCPOA

International Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Grossi has met with the head of the European Union delegation to the UN organizations in Vienna to discuss a number of issues including the situation around the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. 

Vienna Talks Should Have Tangible Achievements for Iran 01 Sep 2021

Vienna Talks Should Have Tangible Achievements for Iran

Stating that Iran is not seeking to escape the negotiating table, the Iranian Foreign Minister said that the new administration believes in negotiations that have tangible achievements in the interests of the Iranian people.

Iran’s drones have customers in the world 29 Aug 2021

Iran’s drones have customers in the world

Former defense minister Amir Hatami said on Saturday that Iran’s arms exports in the previous Iranian calendar year 1399 amounted twice the year before.

Leader Says Biden Administration No Different to Trump 29 Aug 2021

Leader Says Biden Administration No Different to Trump

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei says the current U.S. administration is not different from the former government of President Donald Trump who abandoned an international nuclear deal and unleashed the most draconian sanctions on Iran.

Tehran, Warsaw Ready for Cooperation on Green Technologies 26 Aug 2021

Tehran, Warsaw Ready for Cooperation on Green Technologies

he second specialized meeting of chambers of commerce of Iran and Poland was held online on Tuesday where both countries announced readiness to cooperate in the field of green technologies.

Iran favors negotiations accorded with commitments 25 Aug 2021

Iran favors negotiations accorded with commitments

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the nominee for the post of foreign minister in the new administration of Ebrahim Raisi, has said that Iran “welcomes any constructive negotiation” that is accompanied by “tangible results arising from compliance with commitments and avoiding waste time,” IRNA reported on Monday.

Resolution of complicated issues entails more talks 24 Aug 2021

Resolution of complicated issues entails more talks

Noting that Tokyo is closely following the Vienna talks aimed to revive the 2015 nuclear deal officially called the JCPOA, Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi suggested on Sunday that resolution of “very complicated issues” entails “more negotiations”.

President Criticizes Tokyo for Refusing Iran Frozen Assets 23 Aug 2021

President Criticizes Tokyo for Refusing Iran Frozen Assets

President Ebrahim Raeisi has censured Japan for refusing to release Iran’s frozen assets in the country’s banks, saying there is no justification for the delay by Tokyo in unfreezing Iran’s assets.