Saturday, 28 September , 2024
Iranian team Archives - Iran News Daily
Iranian team wins medals at IOI 2022 16 Aug 2022

Iranian team wins medals at IOI 2022

Iranian students won two gold medals, one silver medal, and an honorary diploma at the 34th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI 2022).

Iranian team, Rahart, came in 4th at WRO2018 Open Category Elementary 24 Nov 2018

Iranian team, Rahart, came in 4th at WRO2018 Open Category Elementary

A team of Iranian students, called Rahart, from Tabriz, East Azarbaijan province, secured the 4th place at 2018 World Robot Olympiad (WRO) Open Category Elementary, IRNA news agency reported. The competition was held on November 16 – 18, 2018 in Chiang Mai Thailand. First held in 2004 in Singapore, it now attracts more than 20,000 […]