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U.S. ‘temporary suspension’ ploy 23 Jun 2021

U.S. ‘temporary suspension’ ploy

In the latest sign of policy change in Iran, Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi gave a resounding no to a question on whether he would meet his American counterpart after U.S. sanctions on Iran are removed, suggesting that Iran is not limiting its foreign policy to interactions with the United States.

Now Iran a Drone Power 23 Jun 2021
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Now Iran a Drone Power

On Sunday, Iranians marked one of their amazing achievements in defending their sky and territory. On June 20, 2019, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps shot down an intruding American Spy drone, Global Hawk, over the coastal province of Hormozgan. At that time, Iran rejected Washington’s claim that the drone was flying over international airspace. The downing of the aircraft sent a clear message to Washington: that Iran is serious about its deterrence claims. Iranian Major General and IRGC commander Hossein Salami said that the drone took off at 00:14 local time from a U.S. military base south of the Persian Gulf and flying toward Chabahar. He noted that, on its return journey, it violated the Iranian airspace near the Strait of Hormuz and therefore was shot down by Iranian missile.

Iran-China Trade Exchange Likely to Be Doubled After Removal of Sanctions 23 Jun 2021

Iran-China Trade Exchange Likely to Be Doubled After Removal of Sanctions

Chairman of the Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industries Mr. Majid-​Reza Hariri believes the trade exchange between Iran and China may likely be doubled if the U.S. sanctions against Iran are removed.

Ira Has No Rival for Construction of House in Syria 23 Jun 2021

Ira Has No Rival for Construction of House in Syria

Iranian Deputy Minister for Roads and Urban Development says Iran has no serious rival for construction of houses in Syria, as the country can take advantage of this opportunity in Syria.

Presidential Election a “Big No” to Sanctions Organizers 23 Jun 2021

Presidential Election a “Big No” to Sanctions Organizers

Government Spokesman Ali Rabiee said on Tuesday that the 13th Presidential election in Iran which was held energetic with people's participation conveyed a very important message of a "Big No" to those behind the sanctions against the Iranian nation and those who had called the nation to boycott the election.

Manufacturing of washing machine rises 41% 22 Jun 2021

Manufacturing of washing machine rises 41%

Manufacturing of washing machine in Iran during the first two months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21- May 21) has risen 41 percent from that of the same period of time in the previous year, IRNA reported citing the data released by the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade.

U.S. must guarantee withdrawal from JCPOA won’t happen again 22 Jun 2021

U.S. must guarantee withdrawal from JCPOA won’t happen again

A top Iranian nuclear negotiator has called on the Biden administration to ensure that withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and the imposition of sanctions will not happen again.

WFP supports over 30,000 refugees in Iran 22 Jun 2021

WFP supports over 30,000 refugees in Iran

The World Food Program (WFP) has supported 30,009 refugees by providing food items and financial assistance during May.

8th meeting of Iran-Qatar joint economic committee 22 Jun 2021

8th meeting of Iran-Qatar joint economic committee

Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian and Qatar’s Minister of Commerce and Industry Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, who are the chairs of the two countries’ Joint Economic Committee, held online talks on Tuesday and expressed hope that the next meeting of the committee will be held in Doha in near future.

Iran, Bangladesh Explore Capacities for Joint Cooperation, Investment 22 Jun 2021

Iran, Bangladesh Explore Capacities for Joint Cooperation, Investment

Bangladesh Ambassador to Tehran A.F.M. Gousal Azam Sarker in meeting with the head and some officials of Arak Chamber of Commerce reviewed opportunities for join cooperation and investment between Iran and Bangladesh and called for boosting the economic relations.