Saturday, 15 March , 2025
iran renewable energy Archives - Iran News Daily
Renewable energy development behind schedule 12 Aug 2021

Renewable energy development behind schedule

Renewables, including hydropower, account for about seven percent of Iran’s total power generation, versus natural gas’ 90 percent share.

Over 140m Kwh of electricity generated from renewable sources in a month 06 May 2021

Over 140m Kwh of electricity generated from renewable sources in a month

Iranian renewable power plants generated over 140 million kilowatt-hours (Kwh) of electricity in the first month of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21- April 20), IRNA reported.

Over 89m Kwh of electricity generated from renewable sources in a month 11 Apr 2021

Over 89m Kwh of electricity generated from renewable sources in a month

According to the data released by Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (known as SATBA), the country’s renewable power plants generated over 89 million kilowatt-hours (Kwh) of electricity in the last month of the previous Iranian calendar year (February 19- March 20).