Thursday, 4 July , 2024
Iran affairs Archives - Iran News Daily
France interference in Iran affairs unacceptable 12 Dec 2019

France interference in Iran affairs unacceptable

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iran has rejected France interference in its internal affairs as unacceptable, saying Tehran will not tolerate Paris’ meddlings. In a post on his Twitter page on Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi dismissed President Emmanuelle Macron’s call for Tehran to free two jailed French nationals. “The French should not forget […]

Iran Deputy Minister urges passive defense to be ready 03 Nov 2019

Iran Deputy Minister urges passive defense to be ready

TEHRAN (Iran News) – The Iranian deputy interior minister for security and law enforcement forces on Saturday urged the entire relevant bodies of the Passive Defense Organization to be prepared to counter any possible incident nationwide. Attending the nationwide meeting of the provinces’ alleged committees, Hossein Zolfaqari said, “This issue is neither a theoretical matter […]