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Impeachment Report Archives - Iran News Daily
Two impeachment charges against Trump unveiled 11 Dec 2019

Two impeachment charges against Trump unveiled

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Democrats unveiled two impeachment charges Tuesday against US President Donald Trump after weeks of arguing there is overwhelming evidence that the US leader abused his office and deserves to be removed. If the two impeachment charges – abuse of power and obstruction of Congress – are approved by the full House […]

Trump impeachment act against corruption 07 Dec 2019

Trump impeachment act against corruption

TEHRAN (Iran News) – US House Democrats moved aggressively to draw up formal articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Thursday, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying he “leaves us no choice” but to act swiftly as he is likely to corrupt the system again unless removed before next year election. A strictly partisan effort […]

Impeachment Inquiry: Trump calls the hearing ‘unfair’ 02 Dec 2019

Impeachment Inquiry: Trump calls the hearing ‘unfair’

TEHRAN (Iran News) – US President Donald Trump and his lawyers will not participate in a congressional impeachment hearing this week, the White House has said, citing a lack of “fundamental fairness” in impeachemnt inquiry. Trump’s aides responded defiantly on Sunday to the first of two crucial deadlines he faces in Congress this week as […]

Impeachment Report Voted Soon 01 Dec 2019

Impeachment Report Voted Soon

TEHRAN (Iran News) – The US House Intelligence Committee will vote Tuesday on Chairman Adam Schiff’s impeachment report, which will make a case for the congressional removal of President Donald Trump. The vote, likely to break along party lines, is a formality allowing the Democrat-controlled body to pass the impeachment inquiry report on to the […]