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hamas Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Iran News Daily
Hamas Calls UN’s Rejection of US-Drafted Resolution ‘Slap in Face’ of Washington 07 Dec 2018

Hamas Calls UN’s Rejection of US-Drafted Resolution ‘Slap in Face’ of Washington

A leader of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, described the United Nations General Assembly’s move to reject a US-sponsored resolution seeking to condemn Hamas, as “a slap in the face” of the Washington government. In remarks released early on Friday, Sami Abou Zahri reacted to the failure of the resolution condemning Hamas, which was […]

Iran to Oppose US-Initiated Resolution against Hamas: FM 03 Dec 2018

Iran to Oppose US-Initiated Resolution against Hamas: FM

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif pledged that Tehran will battle in the United Nations General Assembly to block a draft resolution that the US has proposed against the Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas. Zarif and Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas Political Bureau, held a telephone conversation on Monday about the latest developments in Palestine. In […]

Hamas Official Hails Iran’s Belief in Quds Liberation 27 Jan 2018

Hamas Official Hails Iran’s Belief in Quds Liberation

A senior member of the Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, said Iran’s belief in the importance of liberating al-Quds (Jerusalem) is the reason behind the letter of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei. Speaking to Tasnim, Salah al-Brodil pointed to a recent decision by US President […]

Senior Hamas Member Says Relations with Iran ‘Strategic’ 20 Jan 2018

Senior Hamas Member Says Relations with Iran ‘Strategic’

A senior member of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas said Chairman of Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh’s letter to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei proves that the resistance movement in the Gaza Strip has strategic ties with Iran. “This Letter is indicative of Hamas’ strategic relations with the Islamic Republic of […]

US embassy relocation blatant support for Israeli regime: Hamas envoy 10 Dec 2017

US embassy relocation blatant support for Israeli regime: Hamas envoy

TEHRAN– Hamas Representative in Tehran Khalid al-Qadoumi criticized Donald Trump’s order to move US embassy to al-Quds as a clear alignment of US with ‘Israeli regime’. “Trump is mired in domestic crisis and the order to move embassy was delivering on a promise he had made in the course of campaign trails,” said Hamas Representative […]

Hamas Hands over Gaza Border Crossings to Palestinian Authority 01 Nov 2017

Hamas Hands over Gaza Border Crossings to Palestinian Authority

TEHRAN  – The Palestinian Hamas movement has handed over administrative control of Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings on the Israeli regime border, and Rafah crossing on the Egyptian border to Palestinian Authority. Wednesday’s handover, the first in over a decade, is part of deals agreed on in the latest round of Egypt-brokered reconciliation between Hamas […]

Hamas Security Chief Wounded in Gaza Car Bombing 28 Oct 2017

Hamas Security Chief Wounded in Gaza Car Bombing

TEHRAN- Hamas’ security chief in the Gaza Strip was wounded in a car bombing on Friday in what the Palestinian resistance movement called a failed assassination attempt. The attack came as rival factions are trying to implement a new agreement meant to end a 10-year rift that has effectively split the Palestinian territories between Hamas […]

Hamas Never to Recognize Israel 24 Oct 2017

Hamas Never to Recognize Israel

TEHRAN – Hamas’s Deputy Political Chief Saleh el-Arouri insisted that the movement will never accept demands for recognizing Israel or cutting ties with Iran. Speaking in a meeting with Head of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Kamal Kharrazi on Monday evening, Arouri said Hamad will never agree to lay down arms, recognize the Zionist […]

Iranian Official Urges Sustained Anti-Israel Role for Hamas 22 Oct 2017

Iranian Official Urges Sustained Anti-Israel Role for Hamas

TEHRAN  – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council called on the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas to maintain its leading role in countering the Zionist regime of Israel’s occupation. In a meeting with Deputy Head of Hamas’ Political Bureau Saleh al-Arouri in Tehran on Saturday, Ali Shamkhani expressed the hope that Hamas, a forerunner in […]

Hamas, Fatah Ink Deal on Palestinian Reconciliation 15 Oct 2017

Hamas, Fatah Ink Deal on Palestinian Reconciliation

TEHRAN- Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed an agreement on Thursday on ending a decade-long split following talks mediated by Egypt in Cairo. Under the agreement, the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority is to resume full control of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip by December 1, according to a statement from Egypt’s intelligence agency, which oversaw the […]