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Gaza Archives - Page 14 of 14 - Iran News Daily
Iranian Committee of Humanitarian Law deplores Israeli attacks in Gaza 17 May 2018

Iranian Committee of Humanitarian Law deplores Israeli attacks in Gaza

Iranian National Committee of Humanitarian Law has denounced the killing of tens of civilians, including children and teenagers, and injury of thousands by armed Israeli forces in Gaza Strip. According to the news and reports on the current attacks dated Monday 14 May 2018 –Nakba Day– in Gaza Strip by the Zionist Regime which coincided with 70th anniversary […]

New crimes in Gaza revealing true face of child-murdering regime 01 Apr 2018

New crimes in Gaza revealing true face of child-murdering regime

Ali Akbar Velayati, the senior Aide to Iranian Leader, posted a message on his official page on the Internet, condemning the Friday murdering of Palestinian demonstrators in the Gaza Strip. “The latest crimes committed by the blood-shedding Zionist regime which murdered the Palestinians attending the Return Day demonstration revealed, once again, the savage and criminal […]

PUIC condemns Gaza massacre 01 Apr 2018

PUIC condemns Gaza massacre

Ali Larijani, the current Chairman of PUIC, issued a statement late on Saturday condemning the Friday murdering of Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza strip. “The only language that the terrorists ruling in Tel Aviv can understand is the language of force and resistance is only solution to counter the ambitious ends of the Zionist regime,” reads […]

EU’s Mogherini calls for probe into Gaza massacre 01 Apr 2018

EU’s Mogherini calls for probe into Gaza massacre

EU’s diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini issued a statement on Saturday criticizing Israeli use of live ammunition against peaceful assembly of Palestinians near the Gaza border. In a statement issued by Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative/Vice-President, on Saturday, the European Union called for an independent and transparent probe into Israel’s deadly use of force against protesters […]

16 Feb 2018

Gaza’s only power plant stops working over fuel shortage

The sole electricity plant in the Gaza Strip has stopped working because of a lack of fuel as concerns grow over worsening humanitarian conditions in the besieged Palestinian enclave. Mohammed Thabet, spokesman for Gaza’s energy distribution company, said on Thursday that it was informed by the energy authority that the power station had stopped functioning […]

Hamas Hands over Gaza Border Crossings to Palestinian Authority 01 Nov 2017

Hamas Hands over Gaza Border Crossings to Palestinian Authority

TEHRAN  – The Palestinian Hamas movement has handed over administrative control of Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings on the Israeli regime border, and Rafah crossing on the Egyptian border to Palestinian Authority. Wednesday’s handover, the first in over a decade, is part of deals agreed on in the latest round of Egypt-brokered reconciliation between Hamas […]

Hamas Security Chief Wounded in Gaza Car Bombing 28 Oct 2017

Hamas Security Chief Wounded in Gaza Car Bombing

TEHRAN- Hamas’ security chief in the Gaza Strip was wounded in a car bombing on Friday in what the Palestinian resistance movement called a failed assassination attempt. The attack came as rival factions are trying to implement a new agreement meant to end a 10-year rift that has effectively split the Palestinian territories between Hamas […]