Sunday, 16 March , 2025
frozen assests Archives - Iran News Daily
S. Korea Has Not Released Iran’s Frozen Assets 14 Nov 2021

S. Korea Has Not Released Iran’s Frozen Assets

The chairman of the Iran-South Korea Joint Chamber of Commerce says Seoul has not released frozen Iranian assets despite reports alleging it has done so.

Tehran, Baghdad Agree on Iran Frozen Assets 14 Sep 2021

Tehran, Baghdad Agree on Iran Frozen Assets

Head of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce Yahya Al-e Eshaq says Iran and Iraq have reached an agreement on Iran’s frozen assets in Iraq, adding that interaction is underway and one should not be worried about it because expansion of ties between the two countries is more important than this issue.

Iraq to Release Iran Exports Revenues: CBI 13 Oct 2020

Iraq to Release Iran Exports Revenues: CBI

The Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) has agreed to release Iran's exports revenues and financial resources accumulated in the Iraqi banks.