Thursday, 13 March , 2025
elderly Archives - Iran News Daily
Negative Thinking Linked to Dementia in Elderly 08 Jun 2020

Negative Thinking Linked to Dementia in Elderly

The new study found that repetitive negative thinking in later life was linked to cognitive decline and greater deposits of two harmful proteins responsible for Dementia.

Living Near Parks Prohibits Early Death 25 Nov 2019

Living Near Parks Prohibits Early Death

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Living near parks may slash your risk of an early death, according to the biggest ever review of the evidence. An international team of researchers analyzed nine existing studies involving eight million city-dwellers around the world, involving people living near parks. Results showed adults who lived near green spaces were significantly […]

Elderly with dementia is misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 24 Oct 2019

Elderly with dementia is misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

The study said a misdiagnosis between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can result in patients not receiving the appropriate treatment and prevents them from participating in clinical trials that could improve their overall care. A recent study discovered the possibility of distinguishing between memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury- as many as 21 […]

Iran facing population decline; is it possible to reverse the trend? 20 May 2019

Iran facing population decline; is it possible to reverse the trend?

Many demographers believe that Iran’s population has started to decline more sharply, one point to consider, however, is that Iran’s population growth rate is similar to today’s world average but substantially lower than its peak a few decades earlier.