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Trump can only survive by creating crisis: professor 29 Jul 2018

Trump can only survive by creating crisis: professor

TEHRAN – A leading professor of international relations says evidence shows that “U.S. President Donald Trump, like all Republicans, can only survive by creating a crisis.” In an article published by the Arman newspaper on Saturday, Mahmood Sariolghalam said after the situation regarding the North Korean crisis changed, the Republicans’ plan would be to keep […]

Expert: Trump pursuing zero-sum game with Iran 28 Jul 2018

Expert: Trump pursuing zero-sum game with Iran

TEHRAN – A senior political analyst has said U.S. President Donald Trump is in a zero-sum game with Iran, and he is after a victory for the United States through negotiations which are backed by threats. Davoud Hermidas-Bavand, a politics professor, said Trump announces sanctions against Iran and proposes dialogue and at the same time […]

NATO is worried about Trump! 26 Jul 2018

NATO is worried about Trump!

In recent days, Western analysts have analyzed and evaluated various aspects of the tensions and challenges among NATO members. The majority of NATO members are European countries. Countries that are furious about the behavior of the White House due to issues such as the imposition of tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, and the withdrawal […]

No country has signed up for new Iran sanctions: U.S. senator 25 Jul 2018

No country has signed up for new Iran sanctions: U.S. senator

TEHRAN – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy on Monday criticized U.S. President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, saying no country has supported Washington’s effort to impose new sanctions on Iran. “Last week, they briefed the Foreign Relations Committee on Iran nuclear sanctions since pulling out of the deal. Simple question was asked: how […]

‘Trump is a demagogue whose comments deserve no response’ 24 Jul 2018

‘Trump is a demagogue whose comments deserve no response’

 Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has reacted to US president’s belligerent comments against Iran, calling Trump a ‘demagogue’ whose comments ‘do not deserve a response.’ “Every comment does not deserve a response,” Ali Larijani said this morning in response to an Iranian lawmaker’s call for reacting to US president’s recent belligerent comments against Iran, adding “the […]

UN Security Council urges Trump, Rouhani to refrain from accusation exchange 24 Jul 2018

UN Security Council urges Trump, Rouhani to refrain from accusation exchange

The Swedish President of the UN Security Council Olof Skoog has called on US and Iranian presidents to lower tone of verbal media escalation on Monday. Olof Skoog expressed his concerns over Hassan Rouhani and his American counterpart’s threatening messages, calling on the two leaders to avoid accusation exchanges because the region was already in […]

Trump in drive to stir unrest in Iran by sanctions: Prof. Zonis 24 Jul 2018

Trump in drive to stir unrest in Iran by sanctions: Prof. Zonis

Professor of Chicago University is of the view that US President is a pathological narcissist that tries to press Iran by increasing sanctions and stirring domestic unrest. Following is the full text of our interview with Marvin Zonis, Professor of international political economy and leadership in the University of Chicago on the recent developments in […]

‘Pakistan has come out of US shadow’: Pakistani analyst 23 Jul 2018

‘Pakistan has come out of US shadow’: Pakistani analyst

A senior Pakistani journalist and commentator, Omar R. Quraishi, believes that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project is a good example that Pakistan has come out of the US shadow to a great extent. Since Trump’s hyperbolic tweet against Pakistan, the relations between the two countries have nosedived. A senior Pakistani journalist and commentator, Omar R. Quraishi, […]

Trump hits back at Iran ‘war’ talk 23 Jul 2018

Trump hits back at Iran ‘war’ talk

President Donald Trump on Sunday hit back at bellicose comments by Iran’s president, warning him of dire consequences as the US intensifies its campaign against the Islamic republic. “NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE,” Trump said on Twitter […]

Trump’s threatening post against Iran stirs outrage on Twitter 23 Jul 2018

Trump’s threatening post against Iran stirs outrage on Twitter

Donald Trump, notorious for his Twitter tirades, has launched a blistering all-capitals attack on Iran via Twitter, sparking thousands of tweets under his post, rebuking him for his reckless “midnight” remarks. Based to an “American habit” of threatening and intimidating people and governments around the world, suggesting war and violence against them, including the Islamic […]