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US government set to shuts down over border wall disputes 22 Dec 2018

US government set to shuts down over border wall disputes

 The US federal government partially shut down after members of Congress failed to resolve disputes over $5 billion in spending for President Donald Trump’s border wall. Trump had previously said he would be “proud’ to shut down the government unless he received the $5 billion he is seeking to fund the construction of a barrier […]

Diplomat calls Iran, Russia reliable partners 22 Dec 2018

Diplomat calls Iran, Russia reliable partners

 Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi said on Friday that Iran and Russia are “reliable partners”. “I totally agree that Iran and Russia are reliable partners,” TASS quoted Araqchi as saying during a meeting in Moscow with Sergei Ryabkov, the Russian deputy foreign minister. “Our cooperation concerning the regional and international agenda […]

Iran, Turkey express dismay over regional impacts of sanctions 22 Dec 2018

Iran, Turkey express dismay over regional impacts of sanctions

Iran and Turkey issued a joint statement on Thursday criticizing the U.S. move in leaving the 2015 nuclear deal and ordering sanctions on Iran. They said Washington’s decision will negatively influence economic relations between regional countries. The statement was issued at the end of the High Council for Iran-Turkey Strategic Cooperation in Ankara chaired by […]

US Allies in Asia-Pacific Region Rattled after Mattis Quits 21 Dec 2018

US Allies in Asia-Pacific Region Rattled after Mattis Quits

The abrupt resignation of US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis sparked concern among Asia-Pacific allies who credit the retired general with building trust and tempering isolationist impulses, regional officials and analysts said on Friday. The region – which includes strong US allies Japan, South Korea and Australia – hosts some of the world’s most volatile flashpoints, […]

Mattis Resigns after Clash with Trump over Troop Withdrawal from Syria, Afghanistan 21 Dec 2018

Mattis Resigns after Clash with Trump over Troop Withdrawal from Syria, Afghanistan

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned Thursday after clashing with President Trump over the withdrawal of US troops from Syria and Afghanistan, saying in a parting letter that the president deserves someone atop the Pentagon “better aligned” with his views. The retired Marine general’s surprise resignation came a day after Trump shocked American allies and […]

Trump Starts Withdrawal of US Forces from Syria, Claims Victory 20 Dec 2018

Trump Starts Withdrawal of US Forces from Syria, Claims Victory

President Donald Trump has begun what will be a total withdrawal of US troops from Syria, declaring they have succeeded in their mission to defeat Daesh and were no longer needed in the country. “They’re all coming back and they’re coming back now. We won,” Trump declared on Wednesday in a video posted on Twitter. […]

‘Those who violated nuclear deal are fake supporters of human rights’ 18 Dec 2018

‘Those who violated nuclear deal are fake supporters of human rights’

 In an open reference to the Trump administration, Ali Akbar Nategh Nouri said on Monday that those who violated the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, are “fake supporters of human rights”. “We announced to the world that we seek peace and stood up for the JCPOA,” Nategh Nouri, a […]

Trump’s pressure on states to stop trade with Iran shows US dwindling influence 15 Dec 2018

Trump’s pressure on states to stop trade with Iran shows US dwindling influence

 Iranian Foreign Minister reiterated that Trump, president of a country with the highest military budget in the world, sends representatives to various countries forcing them into stopping business with Iran, which indicates the decline of US influence and power. Zarif made the remarks at the 4th National Congress of Nedaye Iranian Party — NEDA, held at Milad […]

Trump seeking ‘psychological-media objective’ through talks offer: diplomat 13 Dec 2018

Trump seeking ‘psychological-media objective’ through talks offer: diplomat

Iran’s Ambassador to the UK, Hamid Baeedinejad, has said that Trump is seeking a “psychological-media objective” by calling for talks with Iran. “U.S. sets 12 impossible conditions for Iran and at the same time calls for talks without any condition at highest political level. They seek psychological-media objective by calling for talks,” Baeedinejad said in […]

Person of the Year: Murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi 13 Dec 2018

Person of the Year: Murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi

As 2018 approaches its end, it is time to look back at the important events and happenings that shaped the year. The year would go down in history for many reasons – tragic incidents, hyperbolic remarks, political dramas, trade wars, downfall of dictators, rise of democrats. Some of the important events that shaped the world […]