Iranian scientist receives Cuba’s Carlos J. Finlay Award
Alireza Biglari, director of the Pasteur Institute of Iran, was awarded by the Cuban Carlos J. Finlay Order for his contribution to biotechnology, teaching, and scientific activity in both countries.
Iran urges UNHCR to provide vaccine for refugees
Iran has urged the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to provide funding and strengthen the necessary infrastructure to receive vaccines and facilities for the refugees, ISNA reported.
More 200,000 doses of COVIRAN vaccine delivered
Some 200,000 doses of COVIRAN BAREKAT vaccine have been recently delivered to the Ministry of Health for public vaccination, Hassan Jalili, the vaccine’s production manager, said on Sunday.
PastoCoVac to join public vaccination drive
PastoCoVac, jointly developed by the Pasteur Institute of Iran and the Finlay Institute of Cuba, is to join the public vaccination drive against coronavirus next week.
Pastu Covac is world’s only vaccine targeting several mutations
Pastu Covac coronavirus vaccine, developed jointly by the Pasteur Institute of Iran and Cuba's Finlay Vaccine Institute, is the only vaccine in the world that can fight several mutations simultaneously, Alireza Biglari, head of the Pasteur Institute, has said.
‘Spicogen’ COVID vaccine passes second trial phase
Spicogen, a coronavirus vaccine developed by Iranian and Australian researchers, has successfully passed the second trial phase in Iran and is ready for the third trial phase.
80% of COVID-19 Vaccine Imported From China
Head of Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce says that a large part of Iran’s coronavirus vaccine imports have come from China.
COVIRAN vaccine beats Delta variant
COVIRAN BAREKAT coronavirus vaccine proved effective against Indian strain, Hojjat Niki-Maleki head of the information center of Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam twitted on Saturday.
Pastu Covac neutralizes new COVID-19 strains
Preliminary results of studies show that the Pastu Covac coronavirus vaccine, developed by the Pasteur Institute of Iran, fights very well against new variants of South Africa and India, and in other words, neutralizes them, Alireza Biglari, head of the Pasteur Institute, has said.
Import of coronavirus vaccine to reach 13m doses
Twenty shipments of COVID-19 vaccine have so far been imported into the country, and the volume will soon reach 13 million doses.