Stock Markets in Asia Continue Global Fallout
Stock markets in Asia suffered on Tuesday from the fallout from UK and US investors worried about a rise in coronavirus cases.
730,000 Jobless Since Coronavirus Lockdown in UK
Payroll figures in the UK show 730,000 people have lost their jobs since the start of the coronavirus crisis lockdown.
Zarif: World Order after Coronavirus not to Be Entirely Western
The emerging post-coronavirus world order will not be an entirely Western one, said the Iranian foreign minister.
Post-Brexit Deal Vital amid Coronavirus Crisis: EU
The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator told Britain on Sunday that the economic damage wrought by the coronavirus crisis made it especially important the sides reach a new trade deal.
Rouhani urges Organizations to plan for booming business amid outbreak
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that all organizations especially economic enterprises should plan for a booming business.
Trump Wants ‘Total’ Authority over Resuming Economy Activities
US President Donald Trump claimed the "total" authority to decide how and when to reopen the economy.
IMF: Debt relief for 25 countries hit by pandemic crisis
IMF said it would provide immediate debt relief to 25 member countries hit by the pandemic crisis.
CBI to help economy out of coronavirus crisis
CBI governor says this body will spare no effort in helping the domestic economy emerge from the crisis caused by the coronavirus outbreak in the country.
Russia Slams US Policy on Iran amid Pandemic
Permanent Representative of Russia to Vienna-based international organizations Mikhail Ulyanov condemned US reluctance to ease its sanctions against Iran.
Rouhani: Society need to adapt with coronavirus conditions
Rouhani said the Iranian society is required to adapt itself to new conditions created due to the coronavirus spread.